Alter reservation

Level 1
Denpasar, Indonesia

Alter reservation



I have problem with alter reservation, have no idea at all on how it works for host. i have to alter a resevation for my guest who stayed for 2 nights already at my house, original reservation is 6 nights but because of some reason she wants to cancel.

please, anyone can help with information, what should i do after alter reservation? i have received message from Airbnb that guest has approved the alter reservation, next, do i still need to send money to guest from resolution center? because Airbnb has submitted the payment to my Paypal account. how it works?  Thank you in advance.


best regards,



2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Anita, If there are any money dealings to be done leave that to Airbnb. I assume from what you are saying in your post you have been in touch with Airbnb and the guest has approved a refund amount. You can on the guest reservation page request that Airbnb refund the guest any amount of money that you nominate, and Airbnb will attend to that, refund the guest and take that amount from your future hostings. I understand that you have already been paid the full hosting amount but just let that payment go through and let Airbnb refund the guest via future money due to you.

When you start refunding the guest outside of the Airbnb platform, that is when things get confuse the system!

So, go to the guests reservation, click on 'refund this guest' and a drop down box will appear requesting the amount of money you wish to refund! Scroll to the amount, click on that amount and that Anita is all you have to do!

Airbnb are pretty good, the system will get it right provided you work with it. If you start doing other things, that is when you will have problems.....ok

Hi @Robin4


Thank you so much, you helped me a lot!

yes, i tried not to make any payment outside airbnb and want to follow the rule. i just want to make sure that i have paid the guest as we agreed, but i wasn't sure how to do it.

i have made the alteration of reservation and the guest has approved it. then, i was lost, did not know what to do next and was not sure if it is already refunded to the guest or i need to send money after that.

so now, it is clear to me, that airbnb will refund to the guest (as it mentioned in airbnb email, it takes 48 hours to proceed), and then airbnb will deduct the amount from my future reservations, is that correct?


now, since i have made the alteration reservation and approved by the guest, so it has done for now, right? and just wait for airbnb to do the rest?


Thank you so much !

best regards,

