In most instances Barry if a guest has not owned up to a problem before they leave, they are not going to admit to it after. Most will deny they created it, some will say the issue was there before they arrived, some will even accuse the host of lying to get an underlying problem fixed, and yet another category will simply stonewall the issue hoping it will just go away.
As far as I am aware, in general once you have set a cleaning fee you cannot make a further claim above what you have set on that. If you have set a security deposit Barry there is a possibility you can gain some compensation from that but there are stringent rules that you have to adhere to, to the letter! If you so much as miss a call or an email from the resolution centre they will close the case with no right of appeal.
I tried to see what cleaning fee you have set and what security deposit you have in place but despite being a member for two years your profile is a completely blank canvas....absolutely no information at all so I am afraid there is no real solution I can give you.
All I can say is here are the damage claim rules.....
This may not be what you are after but from the information you provide it's the best I can do>