Potential guests with no reviews - but members for 4 years.

Level 1
Derby, United Kingdom

Potential guests with no reviews - but members for 4 years.

Hi guys,


just a quick question as I am uncertain about this couple who just placed a reservation request. I sometimes have the case where paople make a reservation with no reviews because they have literally just joined Airbnb - in that case, I am happy to go ahead and confirm bookings. However, this couple that just sent me a reservation request has been on AirBnb since 2012 doesn't have any reviews whatsoever - there is no description in their profile about themselves. When I asked them whether they had used Airbnb before, they said yes and that it would be strange that I can't see any reviews...well....i can't see any, because there aren't any.


Somehow my gut instinct tells me this is all a bit fishy. What would you do? And have you had a similar experience?


Some help would be much appreciated!

4 Replies 4
Level 4
Orlando, FL

It could just be that they joined and have never used the service until now. Whenever I get a reservation request I always ask the person to tell me a little about themselves and their reason for visiting so that i may help them determine if my space will best meet their needs.  Many refuse, and then know in my gut that I should refuse their request.

Also when people ask questions that let me know they have not read the listing, I ask them to please read the listing to be sure it meets their needs. Many get angry at me asking them to read the listing and I figure this is just a problem avoided when someone gets pissed because you ask them to read the listing.

There is also the possibility that hosts don't rate them because they are so horrible and they do not want to seem like a complaining host. I don't rate many people who have been horrible because I don't want to seem a complainer. We have most people who are simply nice people but there are also horrible people, some, making it all the way to being a few steps away from being the leader of the free world, so obviously some of these people will find their way through AirBnB, as large as it has become. I had guests on Christmas day that wanted me to tip toe through my house because their teenage son, who was sleeping on the pull out queen sofa bed in the loft, needed absolute quiet because he needed to go to sleep at 8pm because he had a golf tournament early in the morning. Well, I live in a very quiet neighborhood, and I'm fairly quiet myself, talking in normal speaking tones within my home, but there was no way I was going to tip toe through my home whispering on Christmas Day. I offered to find her another AirBnB and waive the rest of the reservation. Some people just are not considerate. They could have given their son their private bedroom and slept in the loft bed themselves were they so concerned about him having 'absolute quiet'. Follow your instincts on this one.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I accept unreviewed guests all the time, many have been members for years but I can only assume they join all kinds of things and not really use until much later. The thing here is that they SAY they have used it, but can't be seen? You could ask them where that was, as you can't see the review? If it was a while ago, the review system was different anyway. At one point (could remember wrong here) if you didn't review, you didn't get one yourself. That is my guess.



i have the same thing happen, and also find it disturbing.

I would like to know if someone can use ABB and not have any reviews.

look forward to hearing back others experiences


Host Advisory Board Alumni
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hello @Serendipity0 ,


May be they are like me. I join Airbnb on 2014 and never use it untill 2017 that I open my list. My reason is I regester in a airbnb openhouse day and after that I forgot that I had a account.


Maybe we can check that they register a goverment ID or not ? Do they use a clear profile picture ? and do their answer you cleary ?