Bad Guest Behaviors

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Bad Guest Behaviors

I noticed the following: 


1. my guests left all the lights and heaters on (full blast) after they left the apartment.  I could not meet them for a check out because they left in the middle of the day.  My heating bill went up 4 times in the last month.  


2. When I had to go into the apartment to drop off a bottle of wine (for a guest, because he was a photographer and was going to take some photos for me), I noticed that the door was left unlocked.  The guest drank the wine but never delivered the photos he said he was going to take.  


3. One guest clogged the drain and pulled down the curtains. 


4. Even though I consistently told guests to take off their shoes on the carpet (because they are white and stain very easily), not many guests remembered to do that.  


I understand that people live differently and hosting others means one has to be more accommodating and flexible, but I was wondering how to minimize behavior such as those stated above.




5 Replies 5
Level 2
Puerto Aventuras, Mexico

Hi Shirley,


I just had 2 couples in their 50ies staying at my house - you would think "No problem" right ? Well after they left I had to wash ALL the dishes, plates, mixer, frying pan, spoons, cooking utensils etc that they had left " clean " in my cupboards... everything was filthy, smelly and had food rests stuck to it. Also, I provide plenty of towals and ALL of them were used, thrown on a pile in the shower and smelled like they had been sittig there for quite a while. Plus, my white sofa and white dining room cushions were all stained and had to go to the dry cleaner..... what can I say, some people are just disrespectful. This was my first bad experience so I will make sure to make some polite suggestion at my next check in : where to place the used towels etc. In your case I would add point 1 and 4 to your houserules, that will be easy and should avoid future problems. I wish I could do the same but " please wash plates carefully and don´t return them dirty to the cupboard" would not sound very nice, wouldn´t it... LOL. I guess some things we just have to live with, fortunately those cases are exceptions.  



Thanks for sharing your experiences - yes, I agree, not everyone lives the same way and some of the assumed behavior you and I have probably aren't immediate to many others.  So I'll note that first point in my house rules.  In terms of the other ones, I think #2 I'll just write if off.  #3 hopefully that doesn't happen often - clogging the drain might be just regular maintenance, but next time if the curtain falls off again I will just charge the deposit for installation.  #4 white carpet shoe off - I honestly don't know what to do with that one.  I guess I will need to reiterate a few times and tell people that if the carpet is stained I will have to charge them.  (But it sounds a little unwelcoming isn't it?  But again, this is not a hotel).  


Anyway, how long have you been hosting and are bad cases you ran into from guests without reviews? 



Level 2
Denton, TX

I commiserate with you. We have had only 3 guests so far, and all 3 have had the exact same behavior, despite being at different ages and from different parts of the country. The only thing they have in common is that they're all American and apparently middle-upper class, and I'd hate to think that this is what defines Americans: selfish, disrespectful, noisy, dirty, and above all wasteful of resources.


1.) All the lights and fans are left turned on, even when they're leaving for a day trip.

2.) The doors are not locked, even though they have a key and have been shown how to lock from the inside when leaving, to not have to dig out a key.

3.) Kitchen items are not washed, but just rinsed off, with the water on full blast and splashing all the countertops. The faucet is usually left dripping.

4.) The kitchen is next to our bedroom, and guests come in at midnight or 2am and bang around, leaving all the drawers and cupboards open. They leave their food unwrapped or not sealed, inviting bug problems.

5.) Headphones are not used, and even with our door closed and a white noise machine on I can hear whatever they're watching on a computer/phone (no TV in the home, on purpose).

6.) We have a chair and changing station to take your shoes off at the front door, but guests still come in, two weeks after being here, with their shoes on. Or, they go outside barefoot and come back in with muddy feet.

7.) We invite guests to eat with us at the dining table and explicitly state in house rules to please not eat in the bedroom. They do it anyway and now we have bug problems.

8.) They go through impressive amounts of toilet paper, leave wet towels crumpled in the corner when there's a long towel bar, and one guest dyed her hair and left the place a mess.

9.) We have the trash and recycling bins clearly marked, but they put everything in the trash. Recycling has been around for a long time, so it's incredible that folks still don't know what goes where.

10.) It seems that nobody read the house rules (ex. laundry is not included in the amenities, but they washed their clothes anyway, using our detergent, and letting the dryer run in the wee hours, also next to our bedroom), so I’m not sure what good it will do to make our list of house rules even longer.


I’m tired of cleaning up after adults who act like children, and I’m literally tired because they bang around next to our bedroom very late at night.


We have loved hosting through other platforms (where guests don’t pay—so maybe they feel entitled to trash the place because they paid for it?), but we’re about ready to give up on AirBnB due to this utterly disrespectful behavior by bad house guests.

The question has to be asked Carrie, you complain about your guests behavior but all of your guest reviews are real nice, do you leave their bad behavior  out of the reviews?

Level 1
Lakeland, FL

I can certainly sympathize with Shirley's experience. My recent guest (or his associate/girlfriend, or whoever) kicked in my lanai door so violently that it broke apart and required a replacement to the tune of $310.00. There was also a report by neighbors that the police had to be called because of very loud noises coming from the house.


An undercover detective showed up at our house to inform us that the guest was taken into custody on charges of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.  The guest was very polite and respectful when we initially spoke during the reservation process and so it was a complete and utter shock to learn that we had rented our home to a drug dealer. He apparently hides his true business very well.