Years has pass by where I struggle to understand the complex problems in Bali tourism, culture, and local society that effected hist from out side the island..
There are 4 layers of groups that has different way accessing things
The original Balinesse
The other Indonesian
The local foreigners
and the tourist
I'm here not to talk the depth and individual problem they have to face daily with a stereotype or is just most in general hustling attitude towards outsiders..
as Improvement increase, better ways of problem solving has been applied.. yet the habits and bad attitude still is personal decision rights as a human..
how ever I did not always understand for the extra payment for every thing that is paid to non-official government groups.. is it mafia that cloak them self as a local public community leaders that is actually banned by the country and enforce by the police..
but the problems lies deep through century and kept close to those that stays with in Balinesse ID and names (like made, kadek, nyoman, and ketut). it is so deep it belongs only to balinesse..
So for me to understood them more compressively I did a tour of research and start to talk to the leaders of banjars, transportation, and others.. the unofficial government leaders that actually govern Bali differently depending its area that is connected through an actual existing structure that can only be lead by local Balinesse only.
The various application and accusation toward there different way of upholding in each area are not always professionally approve..
but I do understand one of the core principle of it..
The culture, the white dress, the flower, prayers, religious events and other series of cultural upholds is also the main attraction that attract tourism in Bali..
So is like a gold mine for an island big based of its tourism business base.. In mines when we dig out the dirt to get the gold, we are responsible to rejuvenate it.. just like Bali is a destination to rejuvenate people from all over the world.. who is going to help these local culture and tradition that has given up their land and their culture that has been feeding us gold trough different progressive business by people who stays in bali..
Is our job from that enjoy bali.. in their own ways..
if we don't invest on it .. it will dried out and letting them die to become some thing like a dessert that will be abandon
I don't always agree on their actual action in doing things but I also know before I can change, I have to adapt, then I can Improvise, so I can Innovate a better ways of solution..
just a piece of mind and opinion .. please advise.. I do like to hear other bali resident host perspective toward this matters..
cause is the part where I have to innovate before I got crush in between ...
Sincerely, -MANASUI-
Jeffrey Bong