Can AirBnB Listing Photos Include People?

Level 4
Baltimore, MD

Can AirBnB Listing Photos Include People?

I will soon be taking photos for our first AirBnB listing and am planning out the various photos in my head, including what I want for the cover photo. I'm wondering if we're allowed to include people in our photos?


I haven't seen any AirBnB with people in the photos, but I think it would add a nice slice of life in our case to really showcase how different rooms could ideally be used as social space. I would have permission of the people in the photos of course.


Wondering if this is against the TOS and if not, why people never do it?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



People don't do it generally because it's distracting and not really what you want to achieve when showing off your space. People want to see the space and not be distracted by someone pretending to cook, or sitting on a sofa - everyone know what these items are for. It could look very posed and cheesey in my opinion!


I think that's why people don't do it. Not aware of any issue or policy if you do want to go down that route however.