Can't access thread to respond to an enquiry

Level 1
Harare, Zimbabwe

Can't access thread to respond to an enquiry

I am getting guest enquiries but when click to preapprove or respond I am get a message teeling telling me that I can't access this thread. Initially it was happening with some messages but from the phone i could pick up those threads but not from the desk top. Some messages I could pick up from the desk top and not from the phone. This caused me to have a guest walk up to lodge from the airport without me expecting them because I had only gotten to see one confirmation of their booking when they had made two. How do I deal with this problem?

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Port Angeles, WA

Pakanaka Lodge,


Sorry to trouble you, but have you found an solution to your problem of not seeing messages/threads? I'm having the same issue and can't find any help on this. I received a notification on my mobile saying I had a reservation, but when I get on desktop I see a short description that I have a reservation, but when I click on it there is not message. Looking for someone who is having or had the same issue that can give me some guidance. Again sorry to trouble you. This is so frustrating! 😞 Thanks, Alanna

Level 1
Pretoria, South Africa

Me too! Super irritating. Also, I got an alert that I have a new enquiry but can't see or access it anywhere?? shocking site this!