Hello, I wrote a review for a guest yesterday but now I am regretting it a bit and would like to change the wording a bit to avoid any possible problems or further discussions with this guest. Is it not possible to do this? I did it once about 3 years ago but I can't figure out how to do it now.
My guest asked me to change one detail in my review (discretion reasons), but I cannot do it!? What can I do??? It hasn`t passed 24 hours yet! Anybody, please help!!!
@Frank32, you can change a review during 2 days, if the guest did not review yet. Your account on a computer, Profile, Reviews, Reviews left by you.
If it's published it's done.
@Anonymous, if you mentioned names not in the profile, or something breaching his right to privacy, you can call the service and they can edit it, if he wishes it too. If it's a normal information, they won't.