Check in times

Level 6
San Jose, CA

Check in times

I have it clearly stated that my check-in time is between 4 pm - 10 pm (I have no self check-in system), and a guest Instant Booked saying that he would be arriving between 11-12. I just got an update that it is now going to be 12. It is a same day Instant Book, and I am already in a position that I am not happy waiting up for someone who is driving 500 miles to get here, so who knows if he will even get here by midnight. In addition, I am a single female who is not pleased to be opening my door to a guest during those late hours.


This is not the first time my check-in times have been ignored (I restate the check-in times in my welcome message), so I am looking for suggestions. Also, when someone has blatantly not read the listing, how can I politely bring it to their attention without making the stay uncomfortable?

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Mary703  are you actually feeling unsafe waiting around for some unknown bloke to knock on your door in the middle of the night?  Can someone come over to wait with you?  A friend perhaps?

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

My check in time is 2pm, tomorrow I have a guest wants to check in at 5am without paying, Not happening Babe

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

It’s 1 AM in San Jose (where Mary lives) and I’m sitting here worried whether some creeper has turned up at @Mary703 ‘s place in the middle of the night...


I guess I’m going to have to assume your Guest showed up, it’s all fine, and you’re now safe in your bed... 😕 right?

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Mary703, you need to be clear with your check in times. I frequently have guests TELL ME they are arriving outside of my check in times and I just politely respond that the check in time is 3-7pm. I will make exceptions sometimes, but it is really up to us as hosts to be firm with our boundaries. If people instant book, but it turns out that your house rules aren't suitable for them, ask them to cancel or ask Airbnb to cancel them. It is your home and your safety that are the most important.

Level 5
Kinlochleven, United Kingdom

I have this happen a lot. Do you have to still have to honour their booking if they arrive 2-3 hours late. I can’t find Airbnb’s policy any way on this. Can anyone please help with Airbnb rules on this matter?

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


I didn't find any specific Airbnb guideline stating what hosts are allowed to do if a guest arrives late. I think the implication is that the guest should be able to retrieve the keys/gain access during the stated check-in time window.  You should always contact Airbnb,if the guest doesn't arrive during check-in time, because you don't want the guest to claim a refund, because they didn't show up.


If you agreed to meet the guest outside of the normal, it is incumbent upon you to use Airbnb's message system to clearly state how long you will wait, and the next steps for the guest if they are late.  For example, your listed check-in times are 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., and you agree to an early check-in of 12 p.m. 


"Hello XX,

Per your request for an early check-in of 12 p.m. local time, I can re-arrange my schedule and will meet you at the apartment at that time.  If you do not arrive by 12:30 p.m., you may collect the keys at my XX between 4:30 and 5 p.m.  After then, I will not be able to meet you until the following day at XX p.m.

Please contact me if you have any questions."



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