Christmas Cards and Business Cards? What is happening to airbnb as a company?

Level 1
Windsor, CA

Christmas Cards and Business Cards? What is happening to airbnb as a company?

What is happening to airbnb as a company? I feel as if they have hired a bunch of xApple employees and decided Customer Service is not needed. The concept of sending Christmas Cards is great, as is having business cards (which I can't find any links to). What has happened to airbnb  as a company?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Union City, NJ

What happened? Explosive growth.


Christmas cards - gone

Business cards - there used to be a link for free cards from Moo, they were great. They'd pull pictures from your listings and you could have 25 cards for each picture or something like that

Sounds like they should devote more time to Customer Services for their hosts, and a lot less effort on big meetings in Paris that have almost nothing to do with the average host . . . not very promising for the future. I'm beginning to question keeping my extra room rented through them. I love the guests we've had (over 100 nights in 2015), but I'm loosing confidence in seeing airbnb put all the effort into politics and big parties while stripping stuff that helps their "average" hosts.

I'm afraid that "average hosts" will be a thing of the past what with Airbnb looking to contract with big landlords.  And, many vacation rental companies have gotten into the act.  If you look at resort locations you'll see the vacation companies swamping the little guys. 

Level 10
Redwood City, CA

I think it's a brilliant idea, if it's even true, that airbnb hired more engineers rather than marketing people. It's always better for a startup to deliver a good product, which is in airbnb's instance the actual platform, rather than focusing on promotional marketing like business and greeting cards.


You can get 100 business cards from VistaPrint saying whatever you want with a picture you want. We got business cards thru airbnb a year ago or so ago which were totally useless because they didn't even have our phone numbers. Same goes for greeting cards. But I don't understand how you would send physical cards if you don't know the past guests' home address. Anyway, as both a host and a guest, I wouldn't care for a greeting card from airbnb like I wouldn't care for a text/card from each Uber/Lyft driver who gave me a ride. 


However, I would love to see airbnb focusing on perfecting and optimizing their online platform, getting the legal issues in order, helping hosts become more educated and self-sustaining. 


Merry Christmas. shutterstock_354670730.jpg