We welcome out guests into our homes and before you know it they have been welcomed into our hearts as well.
How does that happen? We are just being ourselves as I am sure are they. Perhaps that is the key right there.
We treat everyone as friends and family. Whether we are sitting in silent comfort and reading a good book together,
Or enjoying a feast of Roasted Turkey with our guests, friends and family. In the evening we may have a glass of wine
together or help them plan a sighseeing adventure or a trip around Oregon. Even going out for a drive and enjoying the beautiful Poppy Fields
that emerge in their full dress of vibrant colors and awesomeness is a rewarding time with our guests. They enjoy the scenery, the drive and the time we
took to share our beautiful area with them. In return, we are blessed beyond measure with the new people and frequently friends we have met. We do
many of these things naturally and think nothing of it. Apparently, that is part of the memories here, because as we are told, "It's the little things" that make
Host and a home!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!