Declining an inquiry

Level 2
Wimberley, TX

Declining an inquiry

Is it necessary to decline an inquiry if I've responded to it in order to have it removed?  An inquiry, in my opinion, is just that - an inquiry.  I have two inquiries still showing after responding.  Will they remain until I take another action? One was a simple question about smoking outside (replied no, non-smoking property) the other was about having an adult birthday party one night and the next day to be joined by her husband and toddler (replied Sorry, listing is for 4 adults only).  I read another conversation about a Dismiss button; however I'm not seeing that.  I see Pre-approve, Decline, or Send Special Offer.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

No an enquiry is just that, like you said - an enquiry!


Once you have responded initially, the clock stops ticking and further communication or lack off does not affect your response rate nor impact you negatively. Personally I no longer pre-approve because on a couple of occasions when I pre-approved for dates two months ahead then changed some of my rules/ description and prices in between,  when the guest eventually returned neared the time to make the booking, although they had to request a new pre-approval as the original had expired after 24 hour, they still got my old rules/ prices and description so I never put myself in that position anymore. Also I don't decline as too many declines eventually impact your status. 


The only time I accept or decline is when it’s a Request to Book.


BW, Ama

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Edward25 I dismiss inquiries all the time.  I like that better than decline.  That said, now I'm trying to remember how to find the Dismiss button!  I believe it will appear when you click on the message in the Pending area of your dashboard.  Here's a link that shows what it looks like.