Difficulties with a guest after confirmation...

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Difficulties with a guest after confirmation...

Need advice please...  we're somewhat new to hosting but strive to make sure our communication is clear with potential guests.  We're in the San Diego area and recently received a request from a college aged woman who wanted to travel to SD for 4 days in July with her girlfriend.  New to AIRBNB, absoultely nothing in her profile, a blurry picture and no reviews.  We reached out to try to get an understanding of what she was looking for and after several messages felt (somewhat) comfortable enough to approve her.  She wrote back immediately wanting another night at the same rate $45----the next day starts a huge convention in SD and rates go up, Hotels are $350 per night/we offered her $65... We offered her a nice discount but she wrote back "saying that she was going to look for another listing"... we asked her to please cancel her reservation and good luck/safe travels.  Her friend then wrote to us from her account--again new to AIRBNB, no reviews, blank profile apologizing for her friend, stating her friend was "moody" and that she would speak to her..   bottom line: they had a disagreement, will not be travelling together and did not leave on good terms.  Sorry for the drama:  but what do you do with an unhappy confirmed guest that there is underlying tension with and may be travelling to your home under different circumstances?  ie: another "friend" , a "boyfriend" etc..  We try to make people reallly comfortable and we've had 100% successful visits...    she hasn't cancelled her trip and we understand the rules with AIRBNB on host cancellations...   advice ??  

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Moriches, NY

Just my opinion but I dont really see any reason to cancel - yet. Try to have more dialogue with her.

Bottom line, your 2 options remains the same - cancel and take the penalty or allow her to come and hope for the best.

Good luck.