I used to be the organiser of the AirBnB Group 'Writers, Artists, and Performers', which had more than 26,000 members until it went down the chute with all the other Groups last night.
As I cannot see anything in the AirBnB Community comparable in functionality to the old Groups (and even those Groups were very limited), I have set up a Facebook Group called 'Staying With Art'. (URL https://www.facebook.com/groups/stayingwithart) which now has 2,226 members. Its focus is on AirBnB hosts who are active in the arts - painters, poets, actors, singers, gallery owners ... - and it allows discussion about the arts and about hosting. Members can post information about a rental property only if the property is listed on AirBnB.
This Facebook Group is aligned with AirBnB but is administratively independent of it. There are additional social media related to this project at the Staying With Art main web page: http://stayingwithart.com/