Guest plans to bring his guns

Level 1
Minneapolis, MN

Guest plans to bring his guns

Is there a good way to make it clear that you ban guns in your home on your listing?

17 Replies 17


I would imagine it is harder to bring one into Spain because the surrounding countries have stricter rules about them. Unlike here where our neighbors to the south love their guns and proudly openly carry them in SOME states.

Also, I wouldn't suggest putting this in your book. It may alarm some guests just reading the word "gun". There are hundreds of common sense expectations people should intuitively live by however common sense is not so common. I don't agree that every possible expectation should be in a house book. Otherwise, it will just be a several page book that will overwhelm and put a negative tone in guests minds.

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

I think you must not accept this reservation if you don't have a safe for guns installed. In USA is different, but in EU guns must be stored unloaded, separately from the bullets and only in  gun safes. I have a small safe installed and tried to get a license from the police-to be possible for a guest  to keep a handgun inside, but they denied, so now my place is not licensed for guns. The reason is beacuse the safe is too small- there is no separate section to keep bullets.

Level 9
Los Gatos, CA

I would call Air and cancel them due to feeling uncomfortable with this guest. There's no reason to bring guns.