Guest profile picture

Level 4
Accra, Ghana

Guest profile picture

How can Airbnb all of a sudden decide to take guest profile picture away why?

Putting a face to a name makes the host comfortable It doesn't make anyone discriminate!. We are allowing people into our homes! Its more than money.

I have accepted both male and female, black and white, never discriminated so why would Airbnb change things all of a sudden? 


What happens if another person turns up infront of your gate? We will now have to call or email airbnb? How much stress can hosts take?

41 Replies 41

@Rebecca181  I believe some of us are still managing to host in the spirit of the original concept, and still get guests that jive with that, in spite of the growing obstacles, but not sure how long that can last. The company is certainly doing all it can to discourage us.

@Sarah977  I agree. I somehow managed to carve out a little nirvana whereby most guests have been wonderful and many guests did want to enjoy 'living like a local' and even wanted to hang out with us. Some have become life-long friends. But the culture is changing, and I do wonder how long home-sharing hosts can hang on...

I just saw this, don't come here often, and unfortunately I agree. You and I are probably pretty lucky since we live in these small towns on the coast catering mainly to explorers of nature, but I would have a hard time with the way it is going if I was in a big city. Hopefully it will stay closer to it's original vision where we are, at least for a while. It has definitely changed though, and every 3 or 4 months it becomes more apparent and it really is a shame. Most of my guests 2 years ago were completely different than most of them recently...

I couldn’t agree more.   Hosts take all the risks, yet AirBnB just sees them as a cash cow, and gives them zero respect.  I’m sure if the VP’s of Air BnB were renting out their own properties, they would like to have as much info as possible about who is coming to their front door.

Level 1
Vancouver, Canada

I am extremely unhappy with how I’m treated as a host in Airbnb. This is just terrible! We have to blindly rent our homes out to people where as anyone in Airbnb can see our profile pictures. How is this fair!


we have 0 power over our own homes. We are not even allowed to block someone from speaking to us anymore. We have to contact Airbnb which you all know is a huge pain, and still they can deny us the block if they want to. That blows my mind!!!! 


Airbnb really needs to get their **bleep** together! I have been shopping around and competitors  and seriously considering switching. 

Level 2
Tallinn, Estonia

Well now that the available guest information is even more limited (no profile pic) than before the least Airbnb could do is to require a compulsory government ID from ALL guests. Also, guests should  provide more information than just a message "would like to stay at your place" ... Hosts are letting people whom they do not know into their homes, and I believe that prior to accepting any guests it would be fair to receive and provide some information such as the purpose of their trip and also some  back-ground information. I always do this but unfortunately not everybody does. Also, the same rules should apply to all guests, not only the one who makes the reservation but also to other people coming with them. I am quite surprised how easy it is to book a place and how little information you are expected to provide.

Level 2
Montreal, Canada

I was surprised to finally find out in Feb/19 that the new policy is that we are not able to see a guest's picture until we have accepted the guest. This is something that I don’t agree with since they are able see my picture. I  also I understand that it is to combat racism but that to me is not such a good reason  because the guest can judge from my reviews that I have accepted all races and nationalities.

My suggestion would be somewhat of a compromise. I know prior to this new policy, if a guest had no picture , I would ask for it ,and, 100% of the time they willingly complied to my request.I therefore believe that THIS NEW POLICY SHOULD BE AMENDED TO SAY THAT IF I SHOULD REQUEST A PICTURE FROM THE GUEST who is either inquiring or requesting,THEY WOULD BE FREE TO EITHER REFUSE OR COMPLY. I bet that most of the time they would agree simply judging from my past experience.If they refuse It would give me the opportunity to ask them more questions about themselves prior to accepting them. I must feel reassured for my own safety and security since I am sharing my personal space with the guest.

Level 2
Montreal, Canada

I think that it should at least be mandatory that a guest have a profile picture because, with this new policy that we have to live with (which I absolutely disagree with), I have to warn guests, that even though I accept them, they must have a profile picture for my own security or I will cancel. I live alone and It is necessary to see the face of who will show up at my door.

I understand this new policy is to avoid racism, however, In my reviews a guest can see that I have accepted all races and ethnic groups and because of that I should be able to see their face ( they do see mine after all)

I believe that prior to booking a host should be able to ask for a profile picture and the guest has a choice of accepting or not. if its NOT, I  as a host concerned for my own security, should be able to refuse them from the get-go.

Besides,  logic tells me, and I am sure, a Brown or Black guest wouldn't want to come into a racist home anyhow.

Level 3
New York, NY

Late to this but I just found out as I have not been hosting for the last few months.

I live in a state/ city in which a host must share the home.

As a single woman of color most of my bookings have been from men of different races, ethnicities and cultures. This is something I welcome. However, I do make judgement calls partially based on profile pictures.
I have declined inquiries if I felt uneasy with the person's profile. Many people visiting the US do not speak or write in perfect English so a profile picture does count for a lot IMO.

We generally form impressions on people based on how they appear and present themselves and for women sometimes this can be crucial.

I feel uncomfortable and resent Airbnb for this policy.

Level 2
Oconomowoc, WI

I WANT to be able to SEE my prospective guests picture BEFORE I accept a request !

I want as much information about them BEFORE I let them into my home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sad but true, If after I book and see thier picture and feel uncomfortable having then in MY HOME, for my own reasons and cancel the booking, I am penilized by loosing superhost status, time, money and as of late.... patience with the senslees cumbersome changes in this site. !




Level 2
Oxford, MS

Level 3
Geneva, Switzerland

Hello to all,


I was very disapointed when Airbnb decided to hyde the guest's picture before we accept them.


This must be clearly said again : we welcome people in our homes (mainly with joy), but for me it cuts the necessary trust.


Since time has passed, I can say that I would not have accepted at least 3 people if I could have seen their picture before, and that feeling was confirmed after knowing them.


I precise that I offer different couches, an open-space loft where I sleep at 2 meters of the guests, and a private appartment (soon another one more).


Besides, this is an incredible discrimating situation : the guests can see us, but not us !! How can Airbnb, always talking about anti-discrimations, let this situation ?!


My position now became much clearer, and I would count on other hosts suffering from this too, to do the same and to make us hear : I mention on my listings that viewing the lack of profile picture, in case they have no reviews they should not do any request, I would automatically decline it, whatever is the cost for me.


I confirm I am sad with this and I lost my trust on guests till I know them (while before I could have it immediately seing their pictures), but I still hope this changes (or maybe other same business companies grewing up with different policies, more favorable to the hosts).


Thank you anyway to be able to express it here, and for your attention.


Best regards to all. 


(English is not my mother tongue)