Guest request for additional night

Level 1
Lockport, NY

Guest request for additional night

My guest asked to stay an additional night on their current stay. I told them to request the additonal night on the website as usual. I accepted the request but I can't see if it is accepted and set to be paid. Did I do it right?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Kevin-and-Faye0 If they have accepted you should get an email notification and the day in the calendar should have their booking on. Are they already in your place?

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

They're out right now but I expect them back. It looks like I have an email with a confirmed reservation. That seems right, correct? We're new at this and never had a request for an additonal night.

It looks like my calendar date is filled as well. I think I am ok. Thanks!

Yes, @Kevin-and-Faye0, an email or "approved" in the internal message system. Beware, though, because sometimes guests might not approve or pay for extended stays. There have been a few stories about sth like that here in the forum.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"