Guest reviewed a different accommodation under my place

Level 1
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Guest reviewed a different accommodation under my place



I have had a guest, who wanted to move a date by one day, unfortunatelly I have had no availability. He did not want a refund, that I offered him, he arrived a day later to the town and stayed elsewhere.

He posted a review about that other place under my accommodation.

How can I have it deleted?



4 Replies 4

Call or send him an email explaining the confusion, I personally would try and be as forthcoming as possible so the guest doesn't feel you are attacking him. I'm sure he will correct the problem, I would ... Wouldn't you?
Level 1
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Hm, I am unsure if a guest is able to delete his own review.

Level 6
Minneapolis, MN

Guests cannot delete their reviews. You will need to get Airbnb involved, alas.  In the meantime, if you want, you could probably respond to the review in a light-hearted and friendly way to point out to visitors that the guest didn't stay with you (without going into reasons why).

Level 1
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Yeah. Thought so.

Thank you.

