Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hi everyone,
Some of you may have met us already, but for those who haven't, we are relatively new hosts (less than one month) living in Hong Kong who have a villa in southern Portugal listed on Airbnb.
When we began hosting, we were really excited, especially because we had started so late in peak season but our listing garnered a lot of interest anyway. Then, about two weeks ago, we experienced the first of a series of SERIOUS technical headaches with the Airbnb site, and their support team has done very, very little to resolve these other than apologised and promised to "investigate."
Before I list our problems, let me clarify a few things straight off. We don't use Smart Pricing and have never once turned it on, even out of curiosity. We don't use any external software tools like Beyond Pricing or PriceLabs. And we do almost all of our listing arrangements on a fairly new MacBook using Safari--which may or may not matter, but I'll explain later why I mention this.
So, here's what happened, in chronological order:
1) About two weeks ago, a friend from France texted me on WhatsApp to ask me if some dates in early September were available. I said, "Yes, that whole period is mostly booked, but the three days you mentioned are available." She said, "That's what I thought you had told me, but I just checked on my phone and they are blocked."
I immediately checked our listing, and lo and behold, they were showing as available! So, I asked her to send me a screenshot, and then I emailed Airbnb support, showing them the screenshot as evidence as well as a screenshot from our side showing that the dates were listed as available. I also explained that we were possibly going to lose this booking, and maybe some others, because of this.
The Airbnb rep who replied told me that this might be due to a glitch with their app, in which some people who use iPhones can't always see available listings. I then pointed out to her that many people these days ONLY uses phones for such things as room bookings, and I asked them if they could please repair this for us, as we would be losing potential earnings.
Airbnb promised to "investigate" the matter...and that was the last we ever heard from them on it. (And yes, our friend did book another place--because ours was officially unavailable...)
2) About a week ago, our housing manager in Portugal, who is also an Airbnb host, texted me to ask why all of next year was showing as not available, but most of the month of August was open--and that the prices were all over the place, ranging from as low as €95 per night to as high as €593 per night!
I told her that that was impossible, since we only have our availability set to six months ahead. But when I went on to look at our calendar, sure enough, everything after the six month mark was showing as blocked EXCEPT for next August--and there it was, staring me right in the face, with all of these crazy prices showing.
Again, we took a screenshot and contacted Airbnb, and they promised to "investigate." And once again, absolutely nothing happened.
We tried re-setting the prices to a normal level, but then the next day, they would go right back to crazy prices again. And we kept sending screenshots and would get the occasional reply with a promise to look into the matter, but nothing was ever done. I mean, nothing.
Finally, we figured out that if we just manually blocked the month, then people wouldn't be able see it. And we did that, and also re-set the prices--but each day, the prices would go back to their crazy levels (even if we were the only ones who could see them).
3) Our last Airbnb technical problem is the most serious of all. Right around the time that the mystery August openings started appearing, our prices for the coming months started being automatically reset--and almost always at prices MUCH lower than what he had set them at.
We caught this simply because we had now become aware that some strange things were happening with our listing, and so my wife and our house manager began checking it periodically on their phones, as if they were customers. And every single day, at least once, our prices would get changed after I had set them back to normal, and the range of prices would be all over the place.
What makes this especially strange is that we keep our prices pretty stable for most months. For instance, except for an increase over Christmas and New Year, we had no variance in pricing at all listed between November 1 and February 28. But each and every day, the prices would be re-set by Airbnb, and the range between the highs and the lows would always be incredible!
Needless to say, I was contacting Airbnb support on a daily basis, with screenshots being sent each time as evidence. For a few days, I had a nice young lady representative who seemed to be trying to help. She did acknowledge that we hadn't used Smart Pricing or any external software to adjust our prices, and she said that they couldn't find any bugs. So, she turned it over to their technical support and I was told they were "investigating"...
Well everyone, if you've been following this story up to this point, you can guess the rest...
Nothing was done. Again.
And realise that in the meantime, I was trying every home remedy you could think of to fix this. I tried using a different browser (Chrome instead of Safari, as one of the reps had recommended). I tried emptying the cache and clearing the browsing history. I tried setting the prices on my phone instead of my computer. I tried setting the prices one day at a time instead of for multiple days at a time.
Absolutely nothing has worked.
And then yesterday, our worst fear came true. While we were sleeping in here in Hong Kong, the prices were yet again reset by Airbnb to levels as low as 45% less on some days than we had been asking--and some guests in France saw this incredibly low price in October and booked our room for a week.
My wife and I both awoke to see this, and of course, we weren't happy. But we had to go to work, and so I immediately wrote to Airbnb explaining the situation and telling them that we needed help right away. And guess what? The whole day went by, and no reply. Hours were expiring on the guest's 24-hour booking request, and Airbnb support completely ignored us.
So last night, I finally called them. I was on the phone with an agent for well over an hour, and while she seemed like she was trying to help, she pretty well made it clear that Airbnb was not going to take any responsibility for this. Worse, she told me that I could not provide any evidence to prove that their site had been resetting the prices, because the screenshots that I claimed that I had sent WERE NOT SHOWING IN THE SUPPORT INBOX!
I told her that she must be mistaken, that I was looking right at the inbox and could see several days of screenshots that had been sent to them--but she insisted that she couldn't see them on her end.
So, I told her that I had kept copies of the screenshots and could send them again, and she said, "No, you don't want to do that. The last thing that technical support wants to see is a bunch of confusing pictures."
You can all guess how this turned out. Airbnb was simply not going to accept any responsibility or do anything to help us. And so, we were given a simple choice: decline this booking as new hosts, which we knew would negatively affect our placement as well as our chances of advancing to Superhost; or accept this booking at a dramatically reduced price, and eat the financial loss.
And so, we chose the latter. But we weren't happy about it. Then, to add even more salt to the wound, we awoke this morning to find that our prices had again been re-set lower. We had followed all of the advice from the Airbnb agent I had spoken to on the phone about how we might be able to stop this from happening, and yet, it happened again--and we are helpless to do anything to stop it.
Okay everyone, so that's our nightmare. Sorry for the long story, but it has been a very miserable and stressful couple of weeks. We cannot seem to find any resolution for this, but what is worse is that we cannot get over how Airbnb support has completely abandoned us.
If anyone has ANY suggestions on what we can do here, we would surely welcome them. Truly and sincerely. And thank you in advance, both for your advice and for suffering through this long tale (though if you really do think that that was suffering, then you should try living it on a daily basis...)
Bless your hearts, fellow hosts. Even if you don't reply, thanks a lot for reading.
Hello @Rich-and-Yan0
i am so sorry to hear this.
In the last three years of hosting we have never had this happen to us.
This truly is so odd and that response from the rep regarding a “bunch of confusing photos” is so unhelpful and unprofessional.
@Laura_C could you please help? This sounds like a very distressing circumstance.
I have also heard Twitter is really good to get help quickly.
Hope it gets better!!
Yadira 🙂
Thanks for looping me in @Yadira22 . @Rich-and-Yan0 I’m sorry that you’ve had such a frustrating experience. I’ve asked the technical team who looks after calendars and pricing to look into your account and see if they can work out what’s going on. ~Laura.
Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community
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@Laura_C Thank you for offering to help. We are at our wit's end here. I work two jobs and my wife works long hours here in Hong Kong, and I was also asked to take an administrative job just last Friday for awhile because our coordinator at work has cancer, which requires immediate and extensive surgery.
So, we have full plates and don't need to be dealing with this for hours every day. We do enjoy hosting, very much. We love communicating with guests and getting everything ready for them, and we enjoy our chats with the Airbnb hosting community. But this has just been--to quote my subject line--a "nightmare," one that doesn't go away. And nobody at Airbnb seems to want (or be able to) help.
For that reason, I am grateful that you have forwarded this to your technical team. We really hope they can help. (Oh, and if they need screenshot evidence of what's been happening, then drop me a line--because we have plenty!)
@Laura_C It isn't just @Rich-and-Yan0 's account- many hosts here have been reporting these calendar glitches where available dates show as blocked on the guest end or blocked dates are shown as available. CS needs to acknowledge that this isn't just an individual problem- it's affecting many accounts.
@Sarah977 Thanks for your input. That one we had heard about, i.e. that some people had reported dates they had available being blocked on the customers' end. Even Airbnb's technical support people, in one of the few times I got a reply on that one, did acknowledge a "glitch" on their end for guests using the app.
And then, as I said, I reminded them that many people only use the app to do bookings. I actually have friends who don't use computers at all anymore; they use their smartphones for everything. So, if we are losing these potential customers because of a "glitch," then shouldn't that glitch be repaired...?
@Yadira22 Thank you for your sincere response. Yes, I couldn't find any other references to this having happened to other hosts in the community threads--certainly not to the level that we have been experiencing--and so I realised that this must be some kind of "freak" happening with us.
But do understand, we have been reporting this for almost two weeks, and we have dealt with countless agents. Not one of them has come back with a solution. Worse, when they can't find a solution, they just stop corresponding. That one lady who I mentioned that had seemed quite helpful--she just disappeared completely! After all the promises she had made to help us, she simply stopped writing. (And in case you're wondering, yes, I've always been polite when I have dealt with them. I haven't cursed one single time. I've tried hard not to be too critical. And I have always said "please" and "thank you." Always.)
Thanks again for your input, and for bringing @Laura_C in on this. Hopefully she can help. 🙂
This happened me a couple of years ago and it took me months and months to resolve. My old threads should be on here about it. I have also seem many other hosts on here complain about similar incidences, so unfortunately your experience is certainly not unique.
Basically Airbnb refused to believe there was a problem even though I could see my views had reduced drastically and that my listing wasn't coming up in searches. I had to contact them on a daily basis for weeks and weeks until they admitted there was a technical fault. And then it took nearly another month to resolve through technical support.
In the end it took nearly three months to resolve. No compensation. No apology.
@Helen3 Thanks for sharing. That really sucks that you never received any compensation or apology, and that it took you so long to get it resolved.
We seem to have found a good CS agent in @Wayne84 , someone who appears to really be trying to help us. But yeah, the woman from Airbnb CS whom I talked to the other night--I know for certain that she was me about not being able to see all of those screenshots that I had sent, just so that they didn't have to admit liability or offer me any kind of compensation for the customer who had booked at a significantly lower price.
Anyway, we have taken, and are continuing to take, a number of steps to prevent ourselves from getting burned again. Wayne now has all of our information, and so hopefully he will be able to resolve this for us. But until that time, we are going to have to work like tireless detectives to make sure that we are protected.
Thank you again for filling us in on what happened with you. It's good to know that we're not alone, but crappy to see what someone else had to go through. If you read through our threads, you'll see that one lady had it even worse--so bad that she had to delete her account completely, lose all of her good reviews and start all over from scratch! Hopefully it won't come to that for us....
Take care.
@Rich-and-Yan0I'm so sorry this is happening to you. What an incredibly frustrating and disheartening experience for you.
I've had a look through your calendar and entered some random dates. All were 3 night stays, fror periods through November - March. Each came up at $161 (CAD) per night, with the exception of over Christmas, which came up at 154 (CAD) per night. I'm not sure of the exchange rate, but what have you set your pricing for (in Euros, I assume)? In other words, what should it be?
It sounds like you've done everything you can conceivably do, but (and this is likely a stupid question) have you manually changed the price for each and every day directly on your calendar? I know that often if I change my pricing, I have to go into the calendar and reset most days to the new price myself...
Beyond that - it makes no sense for you to accept any more bookings at a price that is too low. Maybe consider "snoozing" your listing until this gets sorted?
Really hope Laura's msg to the techies bears some fruit for you soon.
I checked through a currency converter and 161 CAD is equal to 110Euro. Is that what it should be?
Another thought - could it be some kind of conversion weirdness to do with your physical location in Hong Kong (assuming your location would price in HKD), but then something weird happens when trying to set your price in Euro? If you have your profile set to HKD, would it be possible to have your onsite co-host enter prices from her location? Just a thought...
Sorry - edited to say HKD, not Yuan. I'm a dummy!
Hey Jennifer, thanks again. I have no idea if the currency conversion has anything to do with this, to be honest. I've dealt with two CS agents who have actually identified themselves by name (one through email, one of the phone) and who were trying to come up with troubleshooting solutions, and neither of them suggested currency differences as one of the possible reasons.
I'm guessing, though, that probably is not the problem, for one simple reason: the difference between Euro and Hong Kong dollars is too high. Currently, 1€ trades for about $8.66 HKD, which is close to a 1 to 9 difference. So, if they were converting our prices from Hong Kong dollars to Euro (assuming that our profile was set to HKD), then if they assumed that a €110 was supposed to be in HKD, then that would put the price down to €12.71 per night under current exchange rates. We've seen it as low as €62 per night when we had it set for €110, but never as low as that.
Anyway, you have given me some food for thought, and so I just went back into our profile to see if we had a default currency set up. We don't appear to have one, and there doesn't seem to be an option to do so. Under "Airbnb gift credit," it does use Euro as the default currency, but that's the only place where I saw a currency symbol--and a Google search on how to change the default currency on Airbnb didn't yield me any leads.
Thanks just the same, though. If you hear something different, please let us know. We're desperate to try anything!
P.S. Don't worry too much about the RMB and HKD confusion. I'm impressed that you actually know that there are two different currencies here, as most people don't. So, I'd say you're anything but a "dummy." 🙂
@Jennifer1421 Thank you for your heartfelt and constructive response.
In that long story that I just laid out, I did mention in the "home remedy" paragraph how one of the things that we had tried doing was manually changing the price of each day, one at a time. This was one of the suggested solutions we had been given. Alas, it didn't work.
Since you asked, our price for November to March is €110 per night, with some variation over Christmas and New Year's. I just checked X-Rates and that's about $161 CAD per night. So, it looks like things are okay for now.
But do realise, I just re-set those rates myself about 4-5 hours ago. What we have been finding is that we set our rates here in Hong Kong each evening, and then we wake up in the morning to find that they have been readjusted much lower. That's exactly what happened yesterday: the rates went down dramatically overnight, someone saw them while we sleeping and sent a booking request, we awoke to see this and immediately contacted Airbnb, and they basically said, "Sorry, not our problem--deal with it yourselves."
So yes, this is a serious problem. And you're right, we could "snooze" our listing, of course, until it gets sorted. But here are the problems with doing that:
a) we have a pretty high mortgage to pay and just did a massive and costly renovation that we would like to start being able to see some return on;
b) Airbnb has known about these problems for almost two weeks, as I've said--and nothing seems to be getting sorted at all. So, if we just turn off our listing to stop getting bookings and wait for Airbnb to fix things...well, even the optimist in me can't imagine that doing this will produce any results.
That being said, we really do appreciate your input. It's a sticky situation for us, and we do know that you are trying to help. Thank you so much for that. Really. It may not be the solution we are looking for, but it's still great to know that people are trying to come with SOMETHING to help get us out of this.
Take care, Jennifer. And thanks again. 🙂
Hello @Rich-and-Yan0
another possible temporary solution is to go off IB (did not check your account and add a very obvious and specific section on pricing in your listing.
when enquiries come through mention this and manually send an updated offer at correct pricing. If you are very kind and communicative (I am sure you are) you’ll be able to get reservations in and by passing this situation.
Not great long term but a solution no less!
Thanks - Yadira
Also add a disclaimer that prices fluctuate from one currency to another based on ABB’s currency exchanges and commission charges. And to confirm this send a screenshot of what you send! Proving you are keeping to your prices! 🙂