Harlem Host Club Meet-up

Level 1
New York, NY

Harlem Host Club Meet-up

Hello Club Members -

Thanks for coming to yesterday's meeting and for those who couldn't make it - we missed you! Here's a quick recap from last night:
First off thank you to our generous host Stephanie who opened her gallery space for us last night at La Maison d'Art in Harlem! [Photo Below]
Joy Williams, one of the host leaders for the club is helping to organize via a new email address. If you have any club ideas or questions she is going to be a great place to start: uppermanhattanclub@gmail.com
We'd like to have both a host/club member recruitment party and a volunteer opportunity (as a club) in March and April. Again if you have any suggestions (like location for party and organization for volunteering) for either of these events please email Joy, Kim and I.
Sharing for A Stronger New York, our policy proposal for NYC was discussed last night. The attached memo outlines the 5 key areas we are seeking consideration.
Airbnb Citizen is a new site we maintain to provide community updates and advocacy efforts across the globe. Take a look around to see some of the work that has been done over the past year, especially in NYC!
NYC Community Center is the site we talked about last night where you can join the club age and actively communicate with hosts across the city through a message board type system. We encourage you to log on and join the page to stay up to date with ongoing host conversations.
Please remember, our city day of action will take place on Feb 14th. We would love to have as many hosts as possible attend this day! If you haven't already, please reply to Kim and I if you can attend and talk to your city council reps.


Tuesday, February 14th; Hosts and NY team meet with city council members
Wednesday, March 8th; our next club meeting
Tuesday, May 2nd; Hosts and NY team go to Albany, meet with state reps

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