Having my Condo number listed so it is seen when guests search the CONDO NAME

Level 2
Belvedere Tiburon, CA

Having my Condo number listed so it is seen when guests search the CONDO NAME

I have a unit at the Maui Eldorado

howevver when you type in Maui Eldorado it shows Maui ELdorado by Outrigger which is a rental company there which I am not part of (they are a HOTEL group using Airbnb!) or else it shows individual units. 

How do i get listed as an individual unit eg   Maui Eldorado C200




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your listing says it is located at Lahaina, Hawaii. it shows up with this search key, when zooming in on the map.


"The Maui Eldorado + addition" search shows listings from business accounts (property managers, they have special deals).


So yours will not show up when searching for "Maui Eldorado". You could add it in the title, so it can be usefull for indexing by external searches, like Google.


Best regards,
