Holiday weekend / event day pricing

Level 1
Kansas City, MO

Holiday weekend / event day pricing

There are certain dates, sometimes weekends and sometimes weekday, which there is a heightened demand. Hotels capitalize on these dates by increasing their prices. Why doesn't Airbnb analyze this data and make recommendations to hosts - "heightened travel expected during these dates" so all Airbnb hosts can be aware and bump up pricing across the board. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Alex623 From what I can see, smart pricing is sometimes counter effective and it is the host that has to be on the watchout. Mind that Airbnb is pro-guest, NOT pro-host. Earlier this year I had to answer those stupid questions why I set the price when I made the second room available two days before Aerosmiths' concert and with the city booked to the brim...

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"