Hooray....we have a spellchecker!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Hooray....we have a spellchecker!

 @Lizzie @Quincy@Stephanie


I am just really slow, or what!

I have just noticed the CC has now got our promised spell-checker....how fantabulously great is that! 


On one hand this is fantastic, I am finding my fingers are hitting more wrong keys than correct ones these days, as the pathways between my brain and my hands are becoming ever more age compromised, and subject to substance abuse, (red wine), and now I am being instantly alerted to these physical grammatical misadventures.....Oh lovely, I can used words I never dared use before!


On the other hand, I now have no excuse for all those typing errors! I can no more blame the system and say 'it's their fault for not having a spell-checker!'


Ah, this is great, thank you moderators....thank you, thank you!


Now all we need to work on is that bloody sanitiser!




PS: Still managed 3 typing errors :-((

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Let’s see if it picks up on my mistakes. What I’m noticing is that it is actioning prediction text, or underlining the incorrect word, if it hasn’t considered something different in its prediction! I notice that when you are wrong, it underlines in red but doesn’t offer correct options. Is this what you are saying @Robin4?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Yeah, that is what I am saying Cathie, it just auto-corrects when you hit the word.....Look possum, if we are going to get picky about this we could say they have half done the job......they haven't incorporated the Thesaurus to pick up the wrong word or spacing options, and it is not picking up punctuation.

But hey, let's not be picky........

I am just so thankful for small mercies....mercy's.....mercees.......murcies.

Oh, you know what I mean!


 @Lizzie @Quincy@Stephanie



Level 10
Darwin, Australia


Let not confuse it with merci beaucoup!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


You're on the wrong language forum Cathie.....didn't you know that was Spanish!!!



I was channeling the French language! 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Joke Cathie.....how illiterate do you think I am?


Wherever possible I try to inject a bit of humour (sorry humor)  into the boards. We see so much negativity when there is so much going on in the world that is great.


Have you seen on tonight's news that surgeons in Melbourne have successfully bypassed and re-connected nerves in the upper bodies of quadraplegics who had lost the use of their arms. These guys are now sending texts on the phones with their fingers, they are holding cans of beer, one of them is even able to write again!. It's just a matter of time before we have quadraplegics walking naturally again.....We have so much to celebrate.


I hate that I would not ever be able to see the funny side of something.....but I don't need to tell you that, You are one of the better humourists (oops humorists)  that I have had the privilege of meeting! 


I did know exactly what you meant Cathie.....and I think you know what I meant!



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Robin4 Yeah great. It has already told me that I spelled centre wrongly and will probably  do the same with neighbourhood. (It did).  You've lost me with the mention of sanitiser (that got underlined in red as well!) - what's that for?  Does it take out dirty words?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


The problem with Americans is.....they speak and write American!

They are always going to spell common English words incorrectly because they have Americanised (there you go once just popped up there) English. They have seen fit to put a Z in a word in place of an S, which, since the time Robert Cawdrey complied the first English dictionary in 1604 is correct! And dropping the U from words such as humour, neighbourhood, colour, harbour has become another part of American folklore!

But Rachel, we humour  them and we allow them their language idiosyncrasies. We let them pronounce Lieutenant as lootenant instead of the correct way as Leftenant. We let them write centre as center, and metre as meter......You know as well as I Rachel, there are dozens upon dozens of examples of the way they have bastardised (oops bastardized) the English language.

It is a natural extension of that bastardisation that the spell-checker will correct your text to American.....even though it claims it is correcting it to 'English'!


But Rachel, it is up to you and I to keep the English language in tact.....so lets just humour (oops humor) it and just be thankful that it may help us where it counts!


You are right about the sanitiser though....it does remove all our nasty words **bleep**, whatever there might be nasty about that, although funnily enough it does let bitch through!

Sort of looses a bit of colour though, don't you think?



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London, United Kingdom



I ignore those squiggly lines of error for my greys, colours, and the removal of z from the majority of verbs! Think it will save me from some typo trouble, mind you!



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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey, I am just thankful to have it Steph. I wish you could see the monumental clangers I have almost pulled in posts over the years.

And ok, I know you are going to say 'What do you mean, almost'!

But seriously I have never had typing lessons and although my output is substantial, I just hammer away at this keyboard like 'woody woodpecker' and the ratio of mistakes is increasing all the time. When this spell-checker was mentioned to me a few months ago I was just so happy and could not wait for it's introduction. My thoughts were....."If the local termite control man can incorporate a spell-checker on his pissy website, why the hell can't the CC!


So Steph, I am happy with a few squiggly pink lines....I just have a laugh and say to myself......'bloody silly Yanks'!  ;-))


Incidentally Steph, have there been any other complaints about the amount of time it is taking for CC pages to load? Sometimes it can be a minute or more for a page to load or refresh. I am not having this issue on any other sites and it would be handy to know where the CC is getting bogged down!



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Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Robin4 


HAHA! You made me laugh out loud, for real!


In regards to the CC, it's being a bit dodgy this week, with load times and intermittent logging out. @Lizzie has been collecting and reporting instances  - needless to say she's been just like you in "hammering away" at the key board to get tech services to get us back to normal, asap! 



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London, United Kingdom



I ignore those squiggly lines of error for my greys, colours, and the removal of z from the majority of verbs! Think it will save me from some typo trouble, mind you!




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Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


a few months ago I discovered "Grammarly" and use it ever since. It works with word as well as with Airbnb, Facebook, etc.. It is great because it offers me to replace misspelled word with the correct one.

It is free but advanced version for a fee is also available, I am not sure what else it can do.


But since a few days ago I realized something is wrong, maybe Grammarly is fighting with Airbnb spellchecker because sometimes some words just disappear from my text 😄

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