Host being paid double per guest! What the?

Level 1
Chicago, IL

Host being paid double per guest! What the?

Every time a guest checks in, I'll get two payment deliveries from Airbnb (one for $200, another for $200, ect). One of the deposits is dropped a day or two later, but it's just a little annoying to have this phony money sitting in my account.

Anyone else have this problem? Thanks! 🙂

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Sean77,


A quick search in the community centre doesn't show any reports of double payments.

There are a few reports of guests being double charged so it looks like you may be the first one to be double payed.


You should contact Airbnb about this are they're the only one who can sort out payment problems.

Contact methods are detailed at the link below.





Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

wow !!!