I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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Dear Friends,
I have been airbnb hosts for almost 5 years in İstanbul. I am one of the founder of home tourism associations as well. Since last year, there have been 6 terrorist attacks and ISID bombings happened in Turkey. And finally military coup happened 5 days ago. ISıD became a nightmare of whole the world. Many countries suffering with that. Democratic peoples in Turkey and their business are under municipality attack as well. They have been shutting down our flats apart buildings without any reason. and our business and safety are in big trouble unfortunately. I have to make a decision to shut them off and consider to move another country to continue the same business via my airbnb account.
Another option could be to become a partner with other airbnb hosts in other countries wherever I will move.My high valueable airbnb account could be attractive for any smaller host organisations. Or single hosts might need to increase the job. another For any reason, other hosts might have been looking for a partnership relation but there is no any platform to meet people and create solutions together.
As you know, there are many groups at airbnb. Is there any host group that looking for partnership or something like that? If not, can we create a group like that? By creating this group, at least, business will not be ended and airbnb hosts and business will be supported in terrible conditions like terrorism or military coup.
Your advise will be most appreciated.
Best Regards,
Evin evrim
Although I have no partnership interest I simply wanted to say stay safe. The whole world is praying for your safety.
Thank you so much Donna. I appreciate for your kind words. All we need is love and peace in this life but they dont let us..
But we will never loose 'hope'.. Kind regards
Hello, I am interested in working something out. I started two years ago with a friend of 20+ years. We started with one property and got up to over 20. I recently let go of half because they were not up to my standard. I am continuing to grow and am open to new opportunities. Unfortunately, my friend-business partner walked out a few months ago and had a great 5* account we built together. I had to start over and she left me during the busy season and I had a few hiccups with the transition.
I recently found out she was stealing from me
I'm open to working together somhoe but not a full partnership. Let me know if you like this idea.
How is your AirBnB account valuable?
Most people are listing their own property on ABB, there are a few like you who have many listings, I presume that you do this for the owners and also use other channels.
I know in the US and the UK there are management companies that specialise in ABB, is that what you are looking at doing?
Yes David, I own some of the flats and also manage of my friends flats who dont want to be in this bussiness. They dont have any interest to be in this bussiness and have no time to manage of check ins , cleannings or maintance. I am looking after these flats and also doing all annual renovations.
So you are looking at selling up and sarting over somewhere else?
judging from the people who post on here and the type of enquiries I have seen I doubt that this would be a helpful resource.
Usually when looking to move country the big question is what visa, if any, you would qualify for. I would start working out where you are interested in moving to and which ones of those have a visa category for you.
you are right David. I am working on all these questions. Most probably it will be London. But I am still not sure. It'll take so long to settle a new life.
So you have a EU passport, that helps. Gives you many more opportunities.
London property is very expensive.
Dear Evin
There are lots of people in Thailand who has a lot of great properties but they do not have an interest to run their properties because they may be busy with their work.
Thailand has a lot of tourists each year and a lot of people need your service to operate a rental service with airBNB. If you're comfortable to move in to BKK, Thailand. I can help you. My family alone has more than 40 apartments, 2-min walk to Suttisan MRT station (subway). We are doctors and have no time to take care of airBNB service. A lot of my doctor friends are engaged in their medical service. Still, they have many condominiums available for you to manage.
If you are interested, please contact me. am sure that you will make a lot of moey here.
Dear Patta,
I am so glad and happy such a nice message from you. Thank you so much for your kind support and offer. Few weeks ago I was telling my mum that if Tailand would be an option. Becouse there are many nice medation centres and spritiuel centres I was interested in. Then I received your message. It is very surprising. I will definately consider and think about your offer. But I need couple of more months to clear my system here. There are many official responsibilities here and I should close them up nicely and properly. I will keep in touch with you again and may arrange a trip to meet with such a nice people like you.
I truely appreciate .. You are so nice. Hope to keep in touch soon.
Kind Regards