Are you having any issues lately with guests being able to auto-book without having a government ID verified on their account? I have my settings set to require this, always have. Yet I keep getting bookings that when I check the guest's profile, ID is not there! Airbnb support told me it's a known technical issue that they are working on but this has been happening for weeks, no resolution yet. Curious if it's happening to other hosts. I'm in Florida.
@Terri151, same happened to me the guests booked with email and phone, I email ABB, as well as the guest and he uploads ID after my email ,but only happened 1
It's happened to me 4 times in the last 2 weeks. 3 out of the 4 times, the guest added their ID. One guest refused to add his ID, offered to show me the ID in person (Um NO thanks) so his reservation was canceled without penalty to me. But now I have to check every reservation to make sure ID is on the profile and if it's not there, request it and hold up space while I'm waiting for them to add it. Such a hassle.