How do you post a photo or a screenshot to a forum post?

Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

How do you post a photo or a screenshot to a forum post?

Hi all, probably a stupid question but I sure can't figure it out. When I click on the little camera icon, I expected a box to open up saying Upload from (or somesuch), with the option of "my computer", where I would then just choose the jpg I want. Instead, you get a box with Source, image description & Dimensions - what are you supposed to put in those fields and where to find that info? Thanks for any help - Karen

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Prescott, AZ

seems to be working okay for me - on Ipad right now. when i click on the  camera icon, on the very top  it comes up as choose file, and if it isn't already uploaded, I can click on "from another site" and then my computer comes up.

 Perhaps it is your browser that is making it difficult for you. I heard that Firefox may be the best to try. Good luck!

Thanks @Annette33 Just clicked it again and yes I can now see those options. I don't know why they weren't there before. Thanks!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Karen-and-Brian0   I know, late on the scene again Rob, but the box you first received when you tried to upload a picture is the one that will display if you are not logged on in the forum!! Sometimes we just browse without signing in.

Once you have signed in and you click on the camera icon you will get the upload screen you desire.


Thanks @Robin4 I wondered why it wasn't there & then it was the next time I looked. Sign in, makes sense. DUH! I've got it figured out now. - Karen