How to check reviews of a guest before accepting a booking request

Level 2
Bahama, NC

How to check reviews of a guest before accepting a booking request

How can I check the reviews of a guest before accepting a booking request?  The profile picture is greyed out and there is either no profile or it is not complete or I am blocked from seeing it due to the "Airbnb Experiment" related to discrimination, or there are no reviews.  I do see that a govt. id has been verified. I am new to hosting and appreciate any assistance.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The reviews (if any) are listed in the guests profile. I see them also in your profile (1 you being a host and 1 you being a guest). So they are visible to me, including your photo.


Best regards,


Thank you Emiel.  I click on the greyed out profile circle and I guess what I am seeing is that the guest has provided an ID but has not completed a profile except to say "Hi, I'm Kelly!"  Then it shows the city and state she is from and the date she created the account.  She must not have any reviews yet.


Thank you again.

@Kathryn141   Here are all the ways to contact Airbnb. it may be a glitch.  If they have ID they should have an image too.  I see greyed out profile image on pending requests but when I hit the link to their profile I see an image and reviews if there are any.  Seems odd Airbnb would hide reviews unless as you mention it could be part of their discrimination experiment - but, no discriminating against guests because of their reviews? That would be a new low.