Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Just want to know if anyone has the same issue. After you compare other experiences to yours, even you planned really well and proved to be more professional than some of those we have posted their experience right now, you still got declined again and again.
I felt I was a loser in the Airbnb community. Now I am just pissed and I think Airbnb has a very huge negative impact on my life now where I used to be confident and professional in my life and now I am not?
I spent days just to write a proposal on Airbnb doing researchers and all you got is no, no, no. Whereat other place or website you probably will get approved instantly.
How many times have you tried to apply for an experience proposal and how do you feel about it?
@Kick-Chen0 It's too bad that you didn't get helpful feedback from Airbnb about your proposal. The decline isn't necessarily a reflection of the quality of your efforts, and it certainly doesn't mean anyone thinks you're a loser.
If you feel able to accept some constructive criticism, you can write us a summary of your proposal here. Perhaps some members of the community will have some insight into how it could be improved, or suggestions for platforms that are more on-brand for your idea.
@Kick-Chen0 No personal experiences with "experiences", but I once read a book on successful entrepreneurs. The one thing that stuck with me was that one of the several things they had in common was that they never lost sleep over anything. If they had a meeting the next morning on which millions of dollars hinged, their attitude was, well, if I don't get a good night's sleep, then I won't be on top of my game tomorrow and tossing and turning all night thinking about it isn't going to make it going any better. And if the deal fell through, they examined why that might have been, learned from it, and just got on to the next idea, they didn't waste time fretting about it. That's why people like that can just sit down in a chair and have 10 minute power nap and wake up feeling totally refreshed- they just deal with things when they need to, and don't dwell on stuff.
Maybe it stuck with me because I'm not that way at all- I'm an obsesser. Same stuff going round and round in my head until it gets resolved or a new problem takes its place 🙂
Definitely a drag that Airbnb doesn't give you any reason why they are rejecting your experience, it sure doesn't assist you in knowing where to go from here with it, but try not to let it get you down or make you angry. And like Andrew suggests, maybe post a version of it here so others can take a look.
Well, all I want is fairness and being treated equal. As I went thru dozens of similar experience posts, there are propsals were not being equally evaluated. We are all at the stage where you find something you realize you still have so much to learn or you don't. As long as you set your mind state humble and willingness to learn, you deserve to be treated equally.
As in real life, a lot of my students came to me ask for me to be there career references. I'm afraid airbnb encourages people to bluff which is written in there description, and made me extremely uncomfortable.
@Kick-Chen0 Without knowing what the selection criteria are, there's not really any basis to assert that a particular proposal is being treated with unfairness or discrimination. It's possible that Airbnb gives more favorable consideration to members with an established history of using their site and positive reviews on their profiles, but it's certainly their right to do so.
I don't know what you mean about encouraging people to bluff, though. If an experience or a home does not measure up to what was advertised, this will quickly become apparent in the reviews.
I got declined saying that my experience seemed more like a service. Well as a sound healer yes it is a service but sure is an experience. They said that participants had to find personal insights about their lives. Really? And a sound bath doesnt do that???
that is what sound hwaling is exactly about. Remove all negative energies so the participants can get a deep connection within.
**bleep** them