I changed my base price, but it is showing up $5 cheaper on the weekends. How do I fix this.

I changed my base price, but it is showing up $5 cheaper on the weekends. How do I fix this.

I've followed the directions, but it still not changed.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

Hi @Chris-and-Adelle0 so do you want every day of the week to be $110?  You can manually change the price for Fridays and Saturdays by going into your calendar and clicking on those dates (by swiping both Friday and Saturday) and you will get a box to change the price. 

Or, you can automatically set weekend pricing for all Friday and Saturdays by following the instructions here: 



(Maybe you set it up this way some time ago and that's why it's still showing $105?)

Anyway, hope this helps!