I declined a guest and it shows as a pending request. Negative mark for not answering

Level 1
Seljord, Norway

I declined a guest and it shows as a pending request. Negative mark for not answering

As my heading shows this happens. Then I risk not getting superhost status because of some bug.

Also how do you contact the airbnb people? try to find an email or whatever but nothing but this community comes up when i search. And the helpcenter only helps if my question is known by the helpcenter. sucks.

Thank for any answer,



1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Fredrik1,


The best way to find a lot of answers are by searching using the "Search the Community" box and if you cannot find it there, ask away on the Community Center.  The Community Center is not really monitored by Airbnb and questions are answered by fellow hosts.


Here is a Help Guide I created as many people find it difficult to contact Airbnb: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/Contact-Airbnb-A-How-To-Guide/m-p/16165#M728


You can see some of my other help guides here: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Getting-Started/Community-Help-Guides/m-p/23100#M190


Happy hosting!





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host