I had a reservation request from someone with no verifications lissted. This has never happened to m
1.Are all guests to have verifications. I just had a requests from someone without verifictions listed. This is the first time I have seen tis happen. Is this a scam??
@Barbara793 guests aren't required by airbnb to have ID verification done.
I've got instant book on - requiring ID verification & reviews from other hosts and I still get inquiries from people with no ID done or profile photo. I've updated my house rules to make it clear I only take bookings from fully verified guests with a profile pic & any additional guest I must know their full name at the time of booking as I want to know who I'll be sharing my house with.
@Barbara793 You say this was a reservation request. Did you check to see if this guest has any reviews, or are they new to Airbnb? You can message the guest back to ask that they add verifications and a clear profile photo before you can consider their request. You will get dinged on acceptance rate % for declining a request, but it's not a big deal like cancelling a reservation.