I haven't been paid for my last guest!

Level 1
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

I haven't been paid for my last guest!

I'm beside myself trying to find out a way to fix this, my bank can't do any thing because there is no transaction. There is no way I can find on your site to contact anybody about it. I am about to go on facebook and tell the world that yall are a bunch of crooks. please help. It has been over two weeks since I was told the money should be there "any day now".

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Patrick7,


Don't get too uptight.  I am sure Airbnb will make it right.  Give them a call at:

United States and Canada+1-415-800-5959
+1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)


Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

@Patrick7 I realise you must be very angry but this is a forum for hosts and not a place you can contact airbnb directly.

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Patrick7  Looks like you cancelled on a guest in October.  Unless you had convinced Airbnb that the cancellation was due to extenuating circumstances, you will be penalized.  Read more about penalties here: 



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Patrick7,


I am sorry to hear you are unhappy. As Raymond & Elaine mentioned, this is mainly host to host discussion here in the Community Center. Can I check if you tried the contact details above and have now spoken with a member of the Support Team? 




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