I would like to know how fellow hosts would rate Airbnb

Level 10
Puerto Escondido, Mexico

I would like to know how fellow hosts would rate Airbnb

There seems to be a lot of discussion within the Airbnb community about guest reviews.  With many hosts feeling the Airbnb does not (and does not make an effort to) adequately explain to guests how the rating system works.  Another big issue seems to be that only 5 star reviews are satisfactory within the Airbnb framework.


I would like to hear how other hosts would rate Airbnb, their policies, their website, their customer service, and most importantly, their actions in relation to the host community.

35 Replies 35
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

  I believe here is the central shortcoming of the Airbnb star system: The 5-star system happened to be well established in the 'lodging' business for decades, thus guests assume the rating should be applied the same way to private dwellings. How many private offerings can really compare with 5-star hotels? Few. Yet Airbnb has set a 5-star rating of a private home (in part or whole) as the ultimate and really only acceptable standard.

  Airbnb should have opted for equally popular 10-star system used in many other industries to denote the  difference.

  You never implement a convention in which it requires a whole 'learning' curve for each and every individual that uses it.  

Level 1
Fairmont Hot Springs, Canada

Fred: You have a valid point here. The use of a 5 point versus 10 point system means quite a difference in percentage.  We are switching from Booking.com to Airbnb so we can easily "slow down". Our 2016 rating was 9.8!!. Realizing it's hard to be perfect...we're very proud of that.  A 4 vs 5 goesn't always give guests the mark they're looking for....


Aye Randy, the bummer in the 5-star system is that guest DO tend to think of it along the 'hotel' line of thinking; in fact, I have actually asked many guests about it just out curiosity, and every one had said that is how they view it.

I rarely ask, but I was curious about the disconnect in what guests say and how they rate. So I asked a guest, a very pleasant guest, why he had given me 4 stars for carpets and floors when he had mentioned how super clean my place was. He said because I didn't clean up and replace the mat in the bathroom  that he had tracked chewing gum and mud onto,  quickly enough (I did so as soon as I saw it, within an hour and guests are supposed to clean up after themselves anyway - house rules ), and he added, given that I was a Superhost he could not give me 5 stars because it would be misleading as regards said chewing gum and mud!  But, he said, he would have given me 4.9, if that were a possibility, as is he gave me 4.  From Pass at 5 stars to  Fail at 4 stars there is a gaping chasm and a level of absurdity that is,well, completely absurd!

Enlightening conversation with that guest, and surely maddening.

I agree with you about the 5 star system. I had to cancel a guest because I needed to fly to my brothers funeral and I lost my super host rating. It takes too long to get it back, and one review with a 3 or a 4 because of a nasty guest can do the same thing. I hate the 5 star system. If Airbnb wants to keep happy hosts, they need to change this.

As a fairly new Host.... I agree. Especially because AirB&B put importance on ratings. I'm not clear on what guests have in mind when they rate. I've had them not rate at all, and give each area a 5 and then overall rate at 4 stars. I have quickly come to not make ratings a top priority. I continue to go the extra mile and accept what guests have to say. It is what it is.

I am a fairly new host too ( 6 months) and have found the same thing..........guests that give 5 stars for the categories but only 4 stars overall. Very frustrating when it brings your average down for no real reason


Accommodation rating systems are quite difficult to operate unless there are set minimum standards and quality assurance inspections. Guests and hosts can not be relied upon to rate properties as most would not have the knowledge to make such judgement in a fair assessment. How do you rate a whole house against a single room, an appartment, a caravan in the backyard or any other tourist accommodation on airbnb. Service can be rated on Attitude, Committment, Enthusiasm and Service. Cleanliness can only be rated on if something needs cleaning then it is dirty. Repairs can be rated on if needs fixing then fix it. If something is run down or simply horrible replace it. It seems with airbnb the guests will keep us honest but I expect some unfair criticism from time to time although we will always try our utmost to succeed and avoid guests being dissappointed with what we share with them.

Level 10
St Leonards, Australia

@Joa1 For what purpose would you want this info?

Level 10
Puerto Escondido, Mexico

@Gillian0 To see how other people feel, why?


Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Joa1 It's enough to read this forum and you will gather what each of us feels. I guess no host would like to openly complain here - maybe our accounts would be taken down afterwards?

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I do believe that some education could be done by Airbnb to guests.

The issue is that 4* is GOOD, and 5* is execelent.

For most guests, 4 stars is a compliment

For most hosts, it is not


Level 6
Lupton, United Kingdom

Totally agree here, you can get someone who in the comments says it was fabulous, can’t fault it....except the rain.. so will only give a 4... meaning it wasn’t the best holiday they ever had as the weather was it too good. Also, please don’t be offended but Chinese seem to give a 4 to mean excellent?? Had a handful of chines travellers over the years, lovely, lovely people and families but never give a 5?