Is anyone else concerned about Airbnb not showing photos anymore until guests have booked?

Level 3
Kelvin Grove, Australia

Is anyone else concerned about Airbnb not showing photos anymore until guests have booked?

I once had a guy who tried to book and his photo was of him holding a bottle of whisky and sticking his tongue in his partner's ear.  I decided that he was NOT a suitable guest for my beloved holiday unit.  I am not talking about any sort of descrimination here, but if someone is wanting to stay in my property and the photo is like that then I think we should have the right to say no.  What do you think?

32 Replies 32
Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

I just had a guest canceled after booking 2 weeks, no picture at all, 0 reviews and we exchange messages via text being that he used my cell supplied in my profile . He asked if he was getting a bottle of wine and then sent an off the wall text which really concerned me and replied 'wrong person'. 


I would like to at least see a picture even after the booking! This guest said he was from India but had a California number? 


This new 'no picture' policy  is very sketchy.  I'm really considering rent my bnb out as a regular rental property.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom



It's not clear to me if you do Instant Book or not?


I don't do IB, so can only speak for non-IB method.


You are entitled to see a photo after booking.

On the Dashboard this option is available under BOOKING SETTING

- Scroll down to GUEST REQUIREMENT

- 1st option is PHOTO


If you click to activate, it means the Guest has to load a profile photo in order to make a booking.

As soon as the booking is made the photo will become visible.





In the case of Guests who have one Review or more, you can potentially view their photos either during Inquiry or Reservation Request.


That is so long as Guest reviewed their previous Host(s) you just need click on that Host's profile to check if the Guest reviewed. If so, and the guest has a profile photo you will see it as normal. 




re. Phone numbers.

I wouldn't be overly concerned if an Indian Guest had a Californian number.

However, that's me judging by UK experience, where many foreigners have a UK Simcard, either new or from previous trips.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Ps. It's further worth noting, (I think also w. IB) if the photo is some cartoon or the like, you can request a proper human profile photo following the booking. If the Guest declines, you can contact Airbnb to cancel the booking without penalty. 

After booking it is too late.  I want to see their profile BEFORE I accept the booking.  Certainly it used to be possible now I can see nothing until after a booking is complete.

Aparna and I are superhosts and we just sent the following to Airbnb support and to Airbnb Feedback.  Bottomline, my wife and I are not please about the change at all.


Dear Airbnb Leadership,

I called into Airbnb to better understand a major change that my wife and I noticed with regard to our guest reservations and inquiries. The change is in regard to the profile picture that is no longer displayed until a reservation is accepted. I have to put my first foot forward in expressing what we believe in regard to this change, and it is not welcomed. The big question that must be asked is, "How is hiding a guest's profile picture help hosts become more comfortable with the guests they are permitting to enter into their own home?" If the action taken by Airbnb management does not help or foster that comfort level between hosts and guests, then be assured it not a productive measure to take on the platform. To be blunt, my wife and I as superhosts are greatly displeased with the change. It relinquishes the confidence we have had in Airbnb and adds an extra level of unnecessary risk with sharing our space with strangers. We are asking Airbnb to please take the required actions to reverse this change and display guest profile pictures even before approved requests.

Thank you,
Nathan & Aparna Ayotte

Level 2
Palmdale, CA

I am so upset it makes me wonder what other sites I can switch too. I have a small child I have to be protective and know who is coming to my house or atleast use my best judgment I totally agree. In top of that they have no reviews and no pictures? Wow they are making it super easy for wackos to come in.

Level 1
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

I agree, it’s important to see the person photo so we will have idea who is coming.

 I had once someone that didn’t have photo and didn’t reply to my massage, it turned out that he was  some kind of agent that was booking for third side.

Level 2
New York, NY

I am very concerned about this decision also. I have never been descriminatory in accepting a booking.

Having said that, I want the option to see a photo before I accept someone. If I saw something that showed the guest being drunk or obnoxious, I want the right to decline to share my home with that person.

Level 3
Ormond Beach, FL

I am considering delisting because of this new policy. I rent a private room and bathroom with shared common areas. I should be able to see who Im accepting into my home with me. They get to see my profile pic before choosing me, I should have the same opportunity. So once I accept they will have my address, phone number, full name and photos...and I'm "lucky" that Airbnb will supply me with a pic *possibly* IF the person uploads one...I feel this makes me extremely vulnerable. I just don't feel that airbnb is very host friendly. 

Yes I think it's a bad thing...I had a guy booking without pic and with a fake name (MAC??) and it turned out to be the worst guest ever, paid a mega discounted fare (22€ per night for spacious single bedroom apartment with ensuit bathroom) and left 2 stars for value the cheeky sod! 

Level 3
Ormond Beach, FL

My next thought and question is, how can we as hosts ban together to reverse this? My safety and that of my family and property supercedes someone's concerns about being discriminated against. 

Level 2
Fairmount, IN

It is VERY concerning, especially if they are coming into your shared area of your home.  I was considering opening up unused bedrooms in my home. Not anymore!

Level 6
Berkeley, CA

I thought that too, until I realized I just had to look in a different place for the photo--So it's still there. And now I am used to the new way, even if it is a bit inconvenient. But I certainly would not stop using Airbnb due to the minor hassle of having to click twice to see the photo

Level 2
New York, NY

Absolutely! I am seriously considering leaving airbnb because of this new "rule".

I have booked every imaginable race, color, creed for my home...but I want to see a photo for the same reasons you described.

I think it may be time to put pressure on Airbnb to stop implementing this unfair practice.

Level 2
Kilcreggan, United Kingdom

You now do not see the guests photo until they book, the WHOLE point of the photo is to see who is staying, it is 1 of the few good ideas air bnb have for hosts. I can often look at a photo & have the gist of a person, I have refused guests before as I know (from the photo) that they are 'trouble'

Air bnb treat their hosts appallingly (no hosts, no air bnb) but the photo was always a great idea, I guess (the accountants) they realise some hosts refuse bookings as their not happy with the guest (from photo more commonly) & air bnb loose a commision, due to their greed 'they wont be doing that' putting hosts 'at possible risk' how bad/incompetant is air bnb, soo unprofessional, I used to holiday let through the Scottish Tousist board (Visit Scotland) they were excellent & very professional, they didn't 'change the goal posts every 5 minutes'

My temptation is to give up on air bnb BUT their success is from bad publisity like a famous air line...
