Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Greetings ~
I fell across an old programming script that seems topical at the moment...
The positive? A programmer, Julian Oliver, invented a script to help guests fight against the “hidden camera” epidemic that is damaging the STR industry.
The negative? This is one of those times I feel a mild despair over the ends our customers now feel they must go to. I think the script is a great idea to help guests feel safe. But... that it was needed at all... sad face.
Here is a link to the script:
Its been around for a while, but I hadn’t known about it, so thought I’d share it. There seems to be daily news articles on hidden cameras at the moment, it’s fillng my inbox feed.
~ Ben
@Ben551, what's the scoop with the hidden cameras?
If anyone--host or guest--needs to have a teeny hidden camera... yuck.
Get a rottweiler... or something.
Sad that this is a “thing” isn’t it @Kimberly54 . Lately there have been a spate of articles in the news about guests finding hidden cameras in bedrooms, even directly over the bed.
Hosts that do this sort of thing are ruining it for the rest of us. It’s filthy.
The accessibility of this type of tech worries me. I think it’s taking society in a direction we could all do with avoiding. My fear is that one day we will read about a host who discovers little cameras in their own Airbnb, that they themselves didn’t install...! As in... some voyeur guest installs them during their stay, unbeknownst to the host! It’s just a matter of time.
Unfortunately I think there is a demand for advancements like this script, to keep a step ahead of the nefarious individuals who would use hidden cameras...
Hi @Ben551, no. The whole thing about Airbnb was about TRUST. The whole, we sort of get to know each other and why we're doing this thing before we even agree to book.
This camera stuff, on any level, is just nasty.
To trust or rottweilers,
@Ben87, I'm going to take back the rottweiler comment.
Sharing your home is about mutual trust and respect. Understanding also plays in, but it all comes back to trust.
Uh, I hadn’t even thought of that. I’ve been reading about hidden cameras in Airbnb’s as well, but it didn’t even occur to me that a guest could hide one. Guess that’ll be one more thing I start looking for between guests. That’s kinda nerve racking to think about though. 😞
@Jody79 I think it’s just a matter of time to be honest. Very difficult to prove who installed them too. My wife also thinks there is risk of wrongful prosecution, if the tech world moves faster than the policing world...
I currently do a sweep once a week of my WiFi on a regular basis to identify and remove any devices my guests have connected during their stay (after they leave). Most are just their cellphone and ipad, or laptop and show as offline once they leave. I’ll be continuing to do this... just in case.
Good idea Ben! I think I’ll start doing the same.
My God, you are pretty untrusting Ben......I have never thought for a second that someone could be bugging my listing. Am I living in some of utopian world where this sort of sh*t just doesn't happen?
I have a movement sensor which activates the bathroom light when someone reaches the door so they don't have to fumble around for the switch in the midle of the night. Nobody has ever queried it or what it does, and I have never thought to make any mention of is just something to help guests.
Now you are going to have me checking everything in the listing for a hidden agenda, don't think I need that Ben!
I’ve seen your back garden @Robin4 - looks like Utopia to me mate. I prefer to think, like most things, the Southern Hemisphere is a long way from where things like this are likely to happen. But the vast majority of the community don’t live where we do. I think encouraging other hosts around the globe to be vigilant and think about safety isn’t a bad thing, given the risks involved.
It takes only a few minutes per week to tidy up a network list... less time than it takes to update a virus checker, backup your files and check for updates on your operating system. The things everyone does each week... right? Lol... I’m allowed to dream 🙂
@Katie---Sean0 Oh it’s a 5 minute job and one your ISP will say you should be doing regularly anyway as a security measure.
Access your router settings from a PC or laptop connected to your network. Google up some instructions for your particular router, but it’s usually as simple as putting a fixed IP address into your internet browser like or some variant. Head to your network device list, identify the devices that should be there (your devices), then remove all the ones that shouldn’t be there. There are always a tonne of devices in my list that need removing each week, from guests coming and going. They are usually in the “offline” section, but one time I found a live one. Guest had left their iPad in the safe. It was laying flat so I missed it, but it showed up on the network list. Got it sent off in the post.
@Ben551 to be honest you do sound a little paranoid.
I would try removing subjects around hidden camera's and the like from your news feeds.
Try some more relaxing ways to spend your time such as yoga, or volunteering with those who are vulnerable; helps provide a much different prospective on life.
Lol thanks @Helen3 Sadly, I only have the word “Airbnb” in my news feed and it fills up with Airbnb secret camera scandals each day. Airbnb appears to be becoming synonymous with “hidden cameras” in the news.
It doesn’t require being paranoid to put safety and security to the forefront of my mind.