Legal rights as a host, need to educate myself on service animals.

Legal rights as a host, need to educate myself on service animals.

Marley in the sunshine.png


Last night the unthinkable happened. My older house cat was attacked by a guests dog in the back yard and suffered injuries that made my decision to put her down an easy one to make. This morning I am wrestling with the anger and sadness of the events. Marley was an older cat, 13 years and had health issues most of her life, starting as a barn kitten when my daughter brought her home. I am shocked. Opening my home has never felt "bad" before. But now, I am rethinking the pets allowed policy. Where do I go to get good answers on my legal rights in regards to service animals? I want to draw a line in my hosting, in honor of Marley.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

What a sweet picture of Marley, @Lee-Marie0 !  So sorry you had to endure this horrible incident with a guest's pet.  


You have 19 listings and I gather some of the listings are in your personal home.  There is a difference between what is required regarding service animals in a shared home versus listings that are not occupied by the host.  You can review what is written in the articles in the Help Center or see the discussion threads on this forum.  


Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Lee-Marie0  How awful, I'm so sorry this happened.  I would simply not allow any pets, as I doubt very much a real service animal would attack any other animal.  The rules are such that you can only deny service or emotional support animals if someone living on the property has an allergy, or if there are issues with other animals living on the property.  

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Lee-Marie0 I am sorry about this. But you should know that you are not obligated to allow any other animals if you live on the property as @Mark116 and @Linda108 stated. 

Level 10
Mississauga, Canada

I am so incredibly sorry. I absolutely love all animals but have no pets allowed on my listings out of respect for other future guests, noise levels, allergies ect. I agree with the previous post that no service dog would attack another animal unless they are trained to do so or the owner gave them the command (as with police dogs). 

Level 10
Gladstone, Australia

Totally agree with @Andrea-and0 Francis . I too have a strict no pet policy  (regardless of category) on one of my listings for the exact same reasons, my second listing it is pet friendly although  all pets must be housed and contained on a secure patio  not in the unit and must be control leashed when in the grounds of the property.

I own pets myself on this property and they are fully contained @ all times and leashed at any time I take them into the public areas.

If people dont agree to this then they dont stay.

I would be devestated if I had to put one of my family members to sleep and that is what my fur babies are.

My heart goes out to you @Lee-Marie0