How distressing and frsutrating for you!
I have been on teh receiving end of airbnb failing to reply to my messages - even after faithfully promising they would and I well remember how isolated and frustrated I felt.
Very unfortunately this is probably the 3rd or 4th very similar case posted on these boards in the past few months - it appears to becoming almost a habit. ( I realise this is no consolation)
ARe you set up on other plaftorms? Now would be a good time to get yourself set up on VRBO and/or booking.com so you will never be at the complete mercy of this sort of appalling behaviour again.
As Inna says, try twitter or instagram for help - apparently the Cs reps are better via these methods.
I don't normally stir the pot, but if you have a lot of friends on FB would you consider writing up your experience - posting it and asking people to share - with a bit of luck it might go viral and start to hold the company accountable for this dire lack of transparency and communication. ( I completely understand that they want to protect guests against illegal surveillance, but their utter lack of follow through and "guilty until proven innocent if we can even bother to remember you exist" is really breathtaking. Also very disturbing because most hosts realise "there but for the grace of God...."
Contacting the media might not be a bad option either... ( a disgruntled guest contacted media a while back about survelliance in a place he stayed - they got a lot of bad PR, hence this over the top crack down - so the company is DEFINITELY sensitive to negative PR
Good luck with this and do keep up posted.