More listings removed in London

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

More listings removed in London

1 Reply 1

Not only in London.

In Rome too.

It seems to be due to a big mistake on Airbnb's systems, but if not properly managed by hosts listings are effectively disabled.

Beside pushing hard on customer care (CX dept), who will inoltrate the communication to the "Marketing and Quality department" it seems that there isn't so much to do.


The "Marketing and Quality department" is not answering at all.


No solutions found yet. Just keep pushing and moving my LinkedIn contacts looking for people working in this department and try to have a personal contact.


If other hosts will have this issue can try write directly to, but do not expect a fast / proper response.

99% of their answers are not personal (e.g. template only) and will not answer to your personal inquiry.