My Guest is due to arrive in the Morning, but doesn't know how to get his ID Verified.

Level 2
Gold Coast, Australia

My Guest is due to arrive in the Morning, but doesn't know how to get his ID Verified.

I have a pending booking for a Guest who wants to arrive in about 18 hours. He has Photos of his Passport and Drivers licence, but after 2 days of enquiries, doesn't know where to send them. He doesn't have a Facebook Account , just his Email and Phone Number verified on file. I have not requested any verification as part of the booking and have had Guests with less proof  make a booking without problem.

6 Replies 6
Level 2
Gold Coast, Australia

PS: He has already paid in full by Paypal.

He should send them to you directly because it sounds like he booked it outside of airbnb by paying with paypal anyway. Protect yourself as a person and as a property owner, you are on your own with this guest. 


Also on your reservation requirements for your listing, enable Gov ID required, otherwise guests don't see the prompt to upload their ID. Screenshot 2016-11-07 09.42.01.png

Where does it sound like we are operating outside Airbnb? Paypal is an option for people to pay if they don't have a credit card. He paid AIRBNB, not me.


Level 10
Panglao, Philippines

Sounds like you are working outside of the Airbnb system (assuming they paid you directly via PayPal) if so you are on your own. Good luck. 

No, he paid AIRBNB with Paypal, not me. Thats an option for people without credit cards. Now he has paid them, he can't proceed to book.




Strange they are asking him to verify if they have not with other guests.  Don't know why that would have changed.