NYC attorney needed to fight a subpoena

NYC attorney needed to fight a subpoena

My lease ended last year but I just received a subpoena from my former neighbor that is suing the building owner for distress due to airbnb activity in the building.  The subpoena is asking me to testify in court and for all of my guest records and financial records for the past 7 years.  I'm out of the building and looking to fight the subpoena.  Any NYC attorney recommendations?

2 Replies 2

@Yuki3 - Hopefully you will get a recommendation.  Other people to ask for recommendations, your tax professional, your accountant, your financial planner, your banker, your HR rep at work (especially if you have an EAP - Employee Assistance Program), or any of your friends who have consulted with an attorney to purchase and house or write a will and testament.  

And here's some internet info:

I have messages with my roommate and guests about the mean woman in 3A who complained only when I had overweight guests that they were noisy in one particular bedroom.  I also contacted her rich family and told them I would be willing to put a recording device in her apartment to make sure she wasnt being bullied with undocumented noise complaints.  But I also had strange triad looking guests who intentionally made noise bumping their suitcases up the stairs and also left their suitcases on the landing despite my instructions. 


I don't know if that is enough to defend against a personal lawsuit.  I stopped hosting and only my family is in my apartment and my mother was very offended when she in the kitchen and the woman used a broom handle to beat her ceiling (our floor).   My mother asked I can't move a chair or a ladder or drop a curtain rod helping my daughter in my own building?  This woman also used the broom handle to poke holes in the ceiling around her steam risers.  She is a menace and we have recorded screaming answering machine messages and a video tape.   If the other gangster and social justice warrior tenants want to join a lawsuit, what can I do about it? 

But as the previous tenant who was hosting probably illegally, don't you owe the landlord your assistance?  I have no problem showing my records because i was SO cheap - even the inspector said it - I was obviously trying to make my monthly rent and FAILED frequently.