Newest review in different order

Level 10
Goldfield, NV

Newest review in different order

I had thought the order of reviews shown in a listing was reverse chronological order, with the newest review first. But on my listing, the newest review has been placed in between reviews from 2016.

If you scroll down to the reviews, then go to the second page of reviews, you see the latest review, from Andres in July 17, in between reviews from 2016.

Is this a bug in the system? How can I get the latest review to show first?

Thank you for your help.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Its fairly new. They index them by country so Americans will see American guests' review first, the French will see the French ones first and so forth.

That's the new way. Nothing to do about it i'm afraid.

Oh, OK, thank you for your reply. I don't see why they index them that way. It seems the newest should be first, regardless of country.