No first or last name

Level 4
Treasure Island, FL

No first or last name

I am astounded to find out that Airbnb is allowing guest to only use an intial for their account . I confirmed a booking and no first no last name as it normally populated . Hotels do not even allow this !!!!! Am I really expected to keep a reservation of an anonymous guest ? Not going to happen . This is dangerous on so many levels and I can’t even fathom why this is allowed . They have our first and last names and even our address. Yet we get an intial ? That is ludicrous. 

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


yes it is. That's why we register all our guests the same as any hotel does and if anything illegal happens or if they steal or damage the house at least we know their identity.


After 2,5 years on Airbnb I still can't understand why people give keys to their homes to anonymous strangers.... 

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

I am having this problem as well. My first booking. I only have a first name of one person and there will be 4 guest. I am lost as to what is to do?

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

I did not realize that airbnb didnt give us information. Does this mean that we have to do the checking ourdelves?

I understand the frustration completely. In situations like this I ask guests to update their profiles. I also ask them a couple of questions regarding their stay etc. Then, I use this info to make a decision. I hope this helps. 

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

Yes is does. However! I am finding out that declining a reservation is negative for your ratings. 

Level 10
New York, NY

So annoying!  But you might be able to fix it in your settings.  Go to Booking Settings, and you'll see How Guests Can Book.  Click "Edit" and choose "Guests who meet all your requirements can book instantly."  One of those requirements is a government issued i.d.  Another is a profile photo.  Airbnb tries to make you feel that you'll lose bookings by enabling these requirements, but I'd rather get a booking from a responsible person than a shady person!


Here are my requirements:


Guests who can book instantly must:

  • Meet Airbnb requirements
  • Agree to your House Rules & Expectations
  • Acknowledge that Airbnb homes can be different from hotels
  • Be recommended by other hosts
  • Submit government-issued ID

Thanks so much!!! On it right now 🙂

Level 2
West Hollywood, CA

Hi All! I just found this post and it matches exactly some of the issues I have experienced with Airbnb on my recent relaunch for my guest house. 


After a slightly frustrating interaction with Airbnb, I was told that the Government ID verification is really nothing more than an photo verification - they do not make sure that the users name on Airbnb matches the name on their Government ID.  However, today, a guest was able to instantly book my space - with the required Goverment Issued ID - with a profile photo of a baby. So, clearly, the Goverment ID verification is NOT based on a photo match. 


In addition, I had previously discovered that a guest was able to book with a disconnected phone number.



The disclaimer for this is that I have had largely positive experiences with my guests and find that when I ask for additional information, they give it willingly. If they don't they just choose not to follow through on their booking request and that's fine with me.


With that in mind, I am looking for best practices for collecting verification information from my guests independently. I already ask that my guests confirm the first and last name of anyone staying in the space. What other things do you generally ask for?




Level 2
West Hollywood, CA

I contacted Airbnb support regarding this issue and submitted feedback based on my experience. I think if we all express our concerns to Airbnb regarding the verification process Airbnb provides the company will be more inclined to provide better tools for hosts. I encourage you to have your say!

