One room vs. whole apartment

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

One room vs. whole apartment


Sorry for the ignorance but I can’t find the answer in previous threads as I have yet to host and am unsure of the terminology to use BUT my girlfriend and i have an apartment with a spare room and we want to list the whole apartment some of the time but then just the room when we are also at the apartment. Is it possible to switch the listing on the fly? Or do we have to have 2 listings set up which we switch between? Or do we have to create 2 accounts for 2 separate listings?

Once more i apologize for what is probably a very easy question with an obvious answer!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Greenville, SC

You create 2 listings: 1 for your entire home for when you are there, and a separate listing for the one room.  Then link your Airbnb calendars together to prevent double-bookings. If your calendars are linked, then a reservation for an individual room will automatically block those dates on the calendar for the entire home, and vice versa.

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Much appreciated! Thank you 🙂