Our identity

Level 2
Burley in Wharfedale, United Kingdom

Our identity

We have been host for our five properties for around two years now. We are even 'SuperHosts' with some cottages. It is not often that i need to contact Airbnb and when i do they are usually excellent. However, this morning i needed to contact them and the person i spoke to could not identify me or the company. I offered the only two mobile we have without success. Where would you go from here?

John and Avril

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Avril13 that's a bit odd, I've never been asked for ID, are you ringing your superhost number 02038084116 as it automatically lets them know who you are and your account details. You have to ring from the confirmed phone number showing in your account.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Avril13  As @Jeff158  has posted, here in the US I call the Super Host number and as part of the call process I am sent a text that I have to confirm then the call goes to the customer service.  Have you changed your cell phone number since you set up your account profile?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Not quite sure I understand what is going on here Avril! I know that CS is slipping a bit in it's standards but what you are describing here just does not gell!

As a superhost you are given certain priveleges. One of those is a rapid knowledgeable response.

Provided you use your registered airbnb phone, when you call, the second the connection is made the system will compare the number calling with account numbers on file, and if there is a match an electronic voice will say, "Welcome Superhost someone will be with you shortly" and your call will be put through to the first available support agent, be it in San Francisco, Dublin or Manilla and with in 30 seconds or so, your call will be answered and you profile will already be flashed up on the agents screen and they will answer with a 'Hello Avril, how can I assist you today'! 

I have found Airbnb to be one of the best and easiest companies to contact and the only way l could envisage your stated scenario, you didn't use your registered Airbnb phone for your call and simply went into the call queue like everyone else. 



Level 2
Burley in Wharfedale, United Kingdom

Hi Rob,

That is most helpful. We think our problem was that we did not use the registered Airbnb phone. But they did ask for the registered phone number which was passed on to them and still they could not identify us. There is a feeling that we maybe had a trainee helping us.

As far as Airbnb is concerened we are absolutely delighted with their systems and software and have never had an issue with them in the past. We put this down to 'monday mornings'....