Level 2
Hurghada, EG


Hello Hosts ,


the bank rejected a payout was coming to me from Airbnb I was intouch with Airbnb help centre and they said that they are working to solve the problem but my guest will depart next week and I am worry not to reiceve my payout, 


Has anyone faced such these rejections ? and what should I do ? is the money return back to the guest Or to Airbnb ?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

HI @Peter211 Sorry you had that happen! The money will go back to Airbnb (or stay with Airbnb I should say as it didn't go anywhere after the bank refused it). You will have to sort it out with your bank - find out why it was rejected. Airbnb will hold the funds until you have a proper payment channel set up. You've done the right thing to notify them & they will work on it for you.  If you don't hear back within a reasonable amount of time, contact Airbnb again - I think Twitter gets the fastest response, going by what I've read here in the forum. Best of luck getting that sorted - Karen

Thank you so much Karen I feel better after your message I received more than 10 payouts through the same bank with no problem I do not know what happened this time

I hope to receive from them soon 

Thank you again and have a great day 
