Payment not received

Level 1
Caledonia, Canada

Payment not received

Airbnb has to be the most frustrating site.    I have only had 2 bookings and haven't received payment for second, but according to transaction page the payout was posted Dec 2, 2016 to default account which is PayPal and it's now Jan 1, 2017, so where is it?     50% payout is not good.....hmm, think I'll stick with HomeAway where I get more bookings and I can actually find contact information.   I have spent ages going through all these various help and community areas and still can't figure out how to contact Airbnb to ask where the money went.    I'm too old for this nonsense and would really like the 357 euros in my account.    Susan, Caledonia, Ontario, Canada  

5 Replies 5
Level 5
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Susan390,


Try reaching out to them via Twitter or call this number: 1 (855) 424-7262

For future payout issues, call them as soon as you notice you haven't been paid 24 hours after your guest checks in. There is a chance that your PayPal account wasn't verified. Definitely call Airbnb to investigate what is going on with your payout methods.



Thanks Judy.    I will call that number tomorrow.   I had not thought of the possibility of PayPal not being verified, good point, thanks.  Susan

Here's the number for PayPal for US and Canadian customers: 1-877-569-1116

Thanks again.    I must take back all I said about Airbnb, I have resolved the issue with PayPal!


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Glad to hear this is all sorted @Susan390. Thanks for the update. 🙂


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