Professional photography by Air BnB

Level 1
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Professional photography by Air BnB

Hi All, I am a new host for the unit located in Bangkok. When I requested for the free photography offered by Air Bnb, the email was replied and it says there is no professional phography serive available. Has anyone manager to get this photo taking service by Air BnB in Bangkok? If so, are there any tips you can share? I have tried twice, but the result is alwasys the same.. I get instant reply, however it says the service is not available.. I really want this to work, so any feedback will be a great help! Thank you for reading! 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I am pretty sure they only offer it in certain locations. If you get the autoreply, that means they don't offer it in Bangkok. They don't offer where I live either.