Prompts for guests that have left our Home.

Level 2
Coomera, Australia

Prompts for guests that have left our Home.


We are no longer recieving a prompt from Air BnB to leave a review about a guest that has left our home.

We inturn cannot recieve a review as a Host untill our guest has recieved our review first.

I also need to know how to contact Air BnB 

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Seoul, South Korea

Hi! Try to send the direct message to their tweeter @airbnbhelp. I had the same problem and they helped.

I experience this too! Still ongoing..
Level 2
Bundaberg, Australia

I don't know if this relevant at this stage, as I'm relatively new, but after my first guest left I received a 'review them' message almost instantly. After my second guest,  two days... and now I haven't recieved further ones. I'm not sure if it can just take some time or if this is now - a problem.

How long have you been waiting since your guest/s left?

Usually we receive the "review" email quickly, sometimes it has taken a couple days.  I noticed a few hours ago when I was trying to add new pics to my listing the website kept freezing, or wouldn't let me get to page & a goofy guy cartoon comes up & says sorry, we having difficulty...


so give it a day, probably be fine.


Happy hosting!

Level 2
Bundaberg, Australia

Hmm. I'm beginning to be more concerned over this so I've contacted Airbnb and am waiting to hear from them. Reviews are so important in these early stages.