
Level 10
Windermere, United Kingdom


Nice weather here in Cumbria, UK at the moment  


We send detailed instructions to find the apartment a week before the guests arrive. This includes both our mobile numbers. Airbnb will have already sent my number as I am lead host. 


So I get called last night by the male member of the party checking in on Friday. The booking is in a female name. He wants to book an extra night and come to an arrangement outside airbnb. I said an extra night at the beginning is fine but we always book via airbnb. So I have sent an offer followed by an airbnb message to the person who booked the apartment. No response 


I am around both days. However this has left me with an uneasy feeling. 


Any thoughts? 

5 Replies 5

@Andrew157 send the guest another message via Airbnb explaining what you've just detailed above so that there is a record of the conversation that Airbnb can see if anything goes wrong.  


Give her a set date to respond to the extended reservation request (perhaps Tuesday?), and if she doesn't respond on Tuesday then call her. I would also suggest asking for clarification about who is coming as third party bookings are outside of Airbnb's T&Cs. 

Level 10
Windermere, United Kingdom

I explained on the phone and in the airbnb message that they had to respond. Previous guests extending their stay have had no problems navigating their way around this 


There is a record in the time line of messages  the alteration has been offered but not accepted. 


I am concerned that they will turn up a day early and expect access with no extra payment. 



Your concern about them coming a day early without a reservation is easy to resolve.

Send them a nice clear message "Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday May 1"

If they arrive April 30, wear a big smile on as you say "So sorry, I was expecting you tomorrow. The room is not available now"

In these situations, It's important and easier to keep control.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Like @Paul154 says it absolutely the way to go. 


Don't fret. You have done all you can.


If they do turn up, tell them your place is still available but you have not received payment for it. Tell them that you'll need to send them a payment request via ABB for insurance purposes and when thats paid they can have access. 


They may have decided not to book an extra day and just ignored the decency in telling you, which is not at all surprising with people and not good communication!